Unconfirmed alibi
Antonia Herrero
Sep-18-2006 11:36
Is an alibi that is unconfirmed the same as one that is false?
Replies |
Antonia Herrero
Sep-18-2006 12:45
What I mean by "unconfirmed" is that one of the townspeople has been silent on it although they have been there.
Antonia Herrero
Sep-18-2006 12:47
By the way, Eagle Eye , I've found out that's not always the case.
Sep-18-2006 13:08
I am not sure what you mean Antonia, but if you cannot confirm an alibi by the townie, you CANNOT assume that it is real OR fake.
You will have to eliminate the suspect in other ways.
R Anstett
Sep-18-2006 13:09
A "none of your buisness" is the same as someone lying about their alibi.
If you can not confirm the alibi because you can not get the Townie to talk to you about it, then that is all you know. They could be a liar or telling the truth.