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sushi kitty
sushi kitty

Sep-17-2006 21:04

Just because its not on the first page doesn't mean that you can't post on it or that its a dead thread and if you post, you're unneccessarily bumping it!

I encourage everyone to read beyond just the first page and check out the cool and unique posts that may have quickly and easily been relegated to the second page.

I am starting the Promoters of Page Two Posts group :)



Apr-15-2011 21:50

The original point of this thread was to point out to people that there are wonderful posts lurking on Page 2 and beyond, not to just read what is on Page 1 but to dig deep and find the gems.

Sir William Weine
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff

Jun-16-2011 14:46

Like this particular one.

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