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Corrupt A Wish
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Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-15-2006 02:30

This is a very simple and fun game. The first person makes a wish, and each following person finds some way to corrupt the wish and then makes a new wish. For example:

Person 1. I wish I had a dog

Person 2. You have a dog, but it dies the day after you get it

I wish I had a muffin

Person 3: You get a muffin, but you drop it and have to throw it away.

And so on.

Your firt wish to corrupt is this:

I wish I had a new car.


Misha Stevens
Misha Stevens
Battered Shoe

May-14-2020 10:54

So the cake isn't a . It's a pretty iced cover for a serious bomb. You take one bite and - kaboom.

I wish I could stop and restart time whenever I want.


May-14-2020 12:38

You can. Unfortunately each time you do that it creates a butterfly effect. It changes reality in ways you don't like. The more you want to escape from it the worse it gets. You end up miserably in an altered world.

I wish Crockett and Tubbs were my friends.

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter
Santa's Little Helper

May-14-2020 14:15

You meet Crockett and Tubbs and immediately strike up a bond. Sadly it turns out you met them on their vacation and once they return to work they have a very limited social calendar. After weeks and then months and then years of “let’s grab a beer sometime” and “we’ll hang soon I promise” you realize that the only time you ever see them is when they need help moving furniture or someone to give them a ride to the airport. Tubbs occasionally asks to borrow power tools (which he doesn’t return).

I wish black licorice jelly beans tasted like stout beer instead.

Hans Landa
Hans Landa
Assistant Librarian

May-15-2020 00:23

They do. Boy do they taste like stout beer. You just keep munching on them all days of the week and the smell of licorice coming out of your mouth creates a natural eh ... social distancing to put it politely. Girls are very reluctant to kiss you or even sit near you and you constantly get uncalled for remarks from complete strangers.

I wish I would invent and engineer the best roller coaster that was ever build.


May-16-2020 02:05

You create the meanest, fastest, hottest roller coaster on the planet. It's named "To Hell And Back". People constantly end up sick and are throwing up. You end up piled under lawsuits and liabilities.

I wish I had the gift to hypnotize people.

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter
Santa's Little Helper

May-16-2020 17:53

You are able to hypnotize people and use your gift to amuse friends, astound strangers, and set yourself up with a fairly comfortable lifestyle. While at a party for your many hip and wealthy friends a tragic lemon juicer accident in the middle of a hypnosis trick permanently injures your hand and leaves you unable to snap your fingers and bring several party goers out of hypnosis. You’re followed around the rest of your life by a group of friends and family who all firmly believe that they are hungry ducks.

I wish I could change the color of my eyes at will.

Cro Magnon
Cro Magnon
The Tome Ranger

May-17-2020 12:26

Your eyes can get all the colors of the rainbow. Alas one time you choose them to be red. Someone noticed this and firmly believes you're a vampire or some other unholy creature. He chases you with the determination to drive a stake through your heart while sleeping.

I wish I could breathe while under water.

Pasha Stevens
Pasha Stevens
Battered Shoe

May-17-2020 13:54

You can breathe effortlessly underwater. However the necessary changes to your body (gills etc) mean that you can no longer breather on dry land. You have to live underwater for the rest of your life - which, sadly, doesn't last very long due to only salt water to drink and killer fish all around.

I wish that whenever I die it will be peacefully, in my sleep.

Cro Magnon
Cro Magnon
The Tome Ranger

May-18-2020 10:48

It will be in your sleep. While you have a nightmare. You'll end up trapped in that nightmare for eternity. Repetition hell.

I wish Jennifer Lopez was my maid.

Old Shoe

Nov-11-2020 04:23

You are as cool as SS, but never as popular as dmitras ;)

Wish I was nothingness.

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