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Corrupt A Wish
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Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-15-2006 02:30

This is a very simple and fun game. The first person makes a wish, and each following person finds some way to corrupt the wish and then makes a new wish. For example:

Person 1. I wish I had a dog

Person 2. You have a dog, but it dies the day after you get it

I wish I had a muffin

Person 3: You get a muffin, but you drop it and have to throw it away.

And so on.

Your firt wish to corrupt is this:

I wish I had a new car.


M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Feb-2-2011 11:34

Dentists now use telekinesis to do their work. It starts off cool at first, but when you go into get a filling because of a cavity the dentist sneezes and one of their sharp objects stabs you in the cheek.

I wish this wish would get an epic corruption.

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter
Santa's Little Helper

Feb-5-2011 21:07

Your wish receives an epic corruption, nay, THE Epic Corruption. All other corruptions are but penny dreadfuls in comparison. It's so epic that it tells everymans' story, tapping into a common theme in humanity's underlying psyche. Great deeds of both good and evil are inspired by it. In future generations colleges will design curricula based on it. No fewer than three religions are founded on it. As far reaching as the consequences are, I can't relate the actual corruption itself because my browser doesn't support Sanskrit and it's really just not the same in translation.

My neighbors have a huge dog with little respect for property boundaries. I wish that dog pooped diamonds.

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter
Santa's Little Helper

Feb-5-2011 21:09

(Inappropriate apostrophe placement. Typing too fast. Oops.)

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Apr-14-2011 11:02

The dog poops diamonds, and the value of diamonds receeds to that of dog turd, leaving you with a very hard form of excrement to deal with.

I live in Japan and have been suffering electrical blackouts, I with the world had limitless, free, clean energy to power our homes and cure poverty.

Phaedra Rose
Phaedra Rose

Apr-15-2011 19:19

You have suffered from exposure to severe radiation and have a prognosis of less than 1 month to live. TEPCO has settled with you for over 20 Million U.S.D. to do with as you see fit, and have agreed to provide you with limitless, nuclear energy for life without interruption.

I wish my neighbors would not mow their lawns at 6 am as they begin at the closest spot next to my bedroom window.

Anne Miranda
Anne Miranda

Apr-15-2011 23:48

You go to a shadowy figure, and ask for help, and he gives you a secret remedy that he says will solve all your problems. You pour out the remedy on the lawn of your neighours, and the lawn starts growing like hell.
Your neighbours sue you for your act, and you are sentenced to pay someone to move the lawn for the neighbours, as it needs to be moved every half hour. Only in the night, the price is too high, so you will have to move the lawn of your neighbours from 6pm until 8am - thereby also hindering that your neighbours will move their lawns at 6am in the morning. (as you do it)

I wish to be a happy child without someone starting to see me as an object for something not apropriate to mention in sleuthville.

Ordo Ab Chao
Ordo Ab Chao

Apr-16-2011 02:05

Well,you grow up, work hard,save lots of money,get a gender reassignment surgery and start to see others as objects for something not apropriate to mention in sleuthville...

I wish I can find my Twin Soul...

Sir Eduard Langston
Sir Eduard Langston

Apr-18-2011 22:18

You do find your Twin Soul who turns out to your actual physical twin brother, who was adopted by different parents at the time of your births.

I wish there were 36 hours in a day.

Akira Sensei
Akira Sensei

Apr-18-2011 22:52

You get wish and immediately after you are arrested and sentenced on trumped up charges to 2/3 of the day hard labor for life.

Wish people weren't so uptight and grouchy.

Cyril Banks
Cyril Banks

Apr-18-2011 23:55

Your wish is granted but the consequences are far worse than anticipated. People are exceedingly friendly, so much so it makes everyone uncomfortable. Personal space is deemed obsolete as everyone stands close enough to spit on you when they talk. The worst part is with all the outgoing, friendly people pick up lines that were previously just content in comedy skits are readily used in all night life venues. Oh the horror!

I wish that I didn't always hurt my hands and wrists training and that making the 147 pound limit was easier.

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