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Corrupt A Wish
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Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-15-2006 02:30

This is a very simple and fun game. The first person makes a wish, and each following person finds some way to corrupt the wish and then makes a new wish. For example:

Person 1. I wish I had a dog

Person 2. You have a dog, but it dies the day after you get it

I wish I had a muffin

Person 3: You get a muffin, but you drop it and have to throw it away.

And so on.

Your firt wish to corrupt is this:

I wish I had a new car.


Farm A Sea
Farm A Sea
Old Shoe

Dec-8-2006 05:00

POOF... now there's 23 hours in a day and 1 hour at night. Your skin is all dried and wrinkly due to the over exposure from the sun. You have bag under eyes because each night when begin to fall to sleep it's day again.

I wish I could walk on water


Dec-8-2006 06:36

You CAN walk on water but it makes it very difficult to get in the bath.

I wish i had some hair

Sara Lou
Sara Lou

Dec-8-2006 11:52

Poof! You get a head full of sexy, lucious hair, but any time you get angry it turns into snakes. Your nickname is Mr. Medusa.

I wish I had a hot boyfriend.

Old Shoe

Dec-8-2006 12:29

MMM who is that tasty looking man? Congrats You now have a hot boyfried but guess what, He is made from a large pile of hot mashed potatoes that where left over from dinner.

I wish it wasn't so cold.

Lord of Llamas
Lord of Llamas

Dec-8-2006 18:13

Zam! ohhhhh, toasty. wait. too hot. mercury rising. 5800*K?!?!?! Oh no, you're melting!!!!!!!!!!

I wish that clocks moved counterclockwise.

AZN Cinderella
AZN Cinderella

Dec-8-2006 19:30

Clocks do move counterclockwise but then that means you get smaller and smaller every day!

I wish that I will get an A on my finals.

Old Shoe

Dec-9-2006 09:55

Oh you get A's on every one! Unfortunately that A is followed by "ll wrong!". The person grading your paper is really mean too, and keeps drawing cartoons of you getting kicked out of school just for the old 'salt-in-wounds' high.

I wish my house wasn't drafty and freezing.

Washed Up Punter

Dec-9-2006 12:40

The weatherstripping man comes and seals all your windows and doors to take care of the draftiness, and then thinks it would be a good idea to warm the place up by starting a small fire. Unfortunately, you don't have a fireplace. Although your house is no longer freezing, it is now a blazing inferno.

I wish I had a car that would fly over traffic.


Dec-9-2006 14:09

You fly gloriously above the cars in gridlock on the freeway. But when the road-rage filled drivers below see you, they become enraged and begin throwing eggs (because everyone on the freeway carries eggs). By the time you get home, it looks like someone just blew a load in your once perfectly-coifed hair. :(

I wish Pringles increased your metabolism.......

Sara Lou
Sara Lou

Dec-11-2006 07:10

wow! Have you heard? Pringles boost metabolism! But you can only eat one pringle every 2 and 1/2 years, or else you'll shrink!!

I wish I could sing like Shania Twain.

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