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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Apr-23-2004 19:49
(sticky post)

So, looking at the web logs, I know that we have players here from about 30 different countries. I just thought it would be interesting to put somes names with places.

My wife and I live in Boulder, COlorado in the U.S. Where the winter has returned for the weekend. We actually moved here pretty recently from Seattle, which is my home town.


Miss Z
Miss Z

Jun-28-2005 20:15

Hi, My name is Suz. I live in Frogpond, West Virginia (yes, there really IS such a place) with my hubby and 6 kids. I'm not addicted to Sleuth, really, really I'm not, but for some reason I look forward to putting the kids to bed more and more every night.........

Nice to meet all of you!!


Jul-1-2005 13:17

Well, here goes. My name is Betty K. and I live in a little dirty town, that's built one sided, boring, stuck up, no class,and full of dummys, in the state of Oklahoma. I'm the only smart one that lives here,yah. Well, I did sign up for the Sleuth game, didn't I. I'm also bored, so, doesn't that make me (loudly spoken) SMART?


Jul-1-2005 13:25

correction: no class and full of dummys and the only smart one that lives here, yah. I'm not so smart after all, am I?


Jul-1-2005 16:19

Wow it looks like we are getting an influx from all over the place. Welcome folks!!!


Jul-3-2005 08:58

Hi, my real name is not Jack Bauer :D I got this nick name from the tv series 24.

My friend told me about this game but at first I wasn't too interested because I prefer playing hack n slash rpg games than using my imagination. I got hooked with this game though after a few tries.

btw I'm from Philippines. nice to meet you guys especially the other filipinos who play this game.
ay lab yo pelepens!!! hehehe


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Jul-5-2005 17:43

My name is doug. I am in the navy Stationed in Va But also born in Va I also Own my own online business at Great game i enjoy playing

Ms Cevasco
Ms Cevasco

Jul-8-2005 03:04

Can't belive I'm still the only Swede here...*sobbing*

Blueberry Hill
Blueberry Hill
Lucky Stiff

Jul-8-2005 23:16

Aaaw. There there Ms Cevasco. You're not the only Swede here. I mean, I'm sure there's any number of them lurking about...
Raspberry-boatloads even.
(Oh all right, Uppsala here... Hejsan.)

So now we're two Swedes! :)

Anyway... Hi everyone, I'm Daniel. *waves*
Umm, not much to tell. I'm 23. I recently moved "back home" to Sweden after years of living abroad. Gotta love reverse culture shock. :p

Ms Cevasco
Ms Cevasco

Jul-9-2005 00:05

Jag som trodde jag var ensam här, skönt med lite sällskap! =)

And the rest of you can try to figure that one out. Hehe.

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