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Carmine Galante
Carmine Galante

Sep-11-2006 07:51


I'm pretty new here and I for sure haven't experienced the game so much that I can suggest something without knowing its consequences. However, I'm still going to suggest something that I think many newbeginners as me have a hard time with. And that is false accusations. When you reach 3 of them, your detective gets "retired", which is a nicer word for deleted. So my idea is that when you reach lets say 500 experience, your false accusation "meter" increases to 4, which means, that you now have to get 4 false accusations in order to get deleted. That way, newbeginners can't just guess out of the blue everytime, but also it gives some sort of comfort, since you always know that you get more false accusations to guess with if you play it safely.

Also when you think of it, it is quite realistic. Someone who is just started a detective agency, he is not well knowed and doesn't have the experience, so if he starts to accuse everybody, he'll lose his license pretty quick. But, the experienced ones, who have solved many cases, they can make misstakes now and then, but they won't lose their license since their experience level is much higher.

Another idea is, after you reach 3 false accusations, you lose your license, and that it takes a week or two to recover it, in the mean time, you won't be able to play...

Why? Most of us play this game, not just for the moment, but also after we logg out. We also don't like that something we built for 10 days, that it gets thrown away just because we didn't take the safe way out. Which in my opinions is wrong.
I know. You got to have some sort of risk when playing this game, otherwise it wouldn't be that fun. I'm just saying, have those risk as it is now, but with a more comfortable style that also benefits those who actually dare to take a risk.

Tell me what you think. Maybe I'm completely lost, but if thats the case. Please let me know ;)


Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-11-2006 08:08

You can have your false accusations cleared... for a price.


Sep-11-2006 08:14

The Shady guy at the bar can help you with your accusations, Carmine. Of couese, as Bill said, it comes at a price.
And I am also gonna sauggest the formula in order to avoid FAs, just in case you did not know it:

1PE + fake/none alibi = guilty
1WE + fake/none alibi = guilty
2WE = guilty

PE = physical evidence
WE = witness evidence

Happy Sleuthing!

Carmine Galante
Carmine Galante

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Trey Lin
Trey Lin
Assistant Librarian

Sep-11-2006 08:32

Shady will charge you an amount of money proportional to your level of epxerience to clear your FAs. The more experience points you have, the more expensive Shady gets. He can get positively outrageous as you get up in experience, so I would recommend avoiding FAs altogether.

Old Shoe

Sep-11-2006 08:33

It changes according to your xp. See, experienced detectives have some real problems with paying off shady, it can cost us thousands of dollars to releive us of FA's. And I disagree with you about increasing the amount of FA's. Everyone has been at that stage and well, it is hard but like the rest of us you have to go through it.

Carmine Galante
Carmine Galante

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Carmine Galante
Carmine Galante

Sep-11-2006 08:44

Whats the "price"

Arabella Parker
Arabella Parker

Sep-11-2006 09:02

The "price" is the amount of Sleuth money it will take to clear your record. If you have a false accusation, go to the bar, talk to the Shady character in the back. He will tell you how much you have to pay to clear your record. None of us can tell you how much he will charge. Follow AndreaX's advice. She gave you the formula to avoid FAs.

I second yoyo's disagreement, I think it should stay at 3. We all have lived and some have died by the 3 falses rule. It is a very sad and hard reality. You must be careful.

Lucky Stiff

Sep-11-2006 09:09

There is no set price Carmine, it is based on your experience. Go to Shady at the bar in whatever city you may be in and he will tell you how much it is.

Carmine Galante
Carmine Galante

Sep-11-2006 10:03

Sorry for the triple post. I had this page open so that I could refresh it so see if anyone had posted. Didn't notice it posted it again....

Anyway, thanks for the fast answers!
You may be right, but I miss that comfort of not being able to get deleted... Lets say, the most far fetched case. You get hacked. The hacker just does 3 wrongful accusations and poof, you're account is delited. Atleast I think there should be a timelimit like 1 month if you get 3 false accusations.

Just being able to know, that what ever you do, you won't get deleted. Now I'm not talking about breaking the rules etc.

One question: Are there other ways to get deleted?

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