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Three Word Story
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Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-8-2006 11:58

This was a popular game on a forum I once ran. The rules are very simple:

In three words only, you must continue the story from the post above. The story should make (some) sense. You may start or end sentences whenever you like, as long as the whole story makes sense.

Ok, I'll start:

Once upon a


Ordo Ab Chao
Ordo Ab Chao

May-1-2011 09:56

based on weather...

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

May-1-2011 10:30

, in particular snowfall

Ordo Ab Chao
Ordo Ab Chao

May-1-2011 12:46

in Sahara Desert.

Old Shoe

May-2-2011 13:32

She needed water

Ordo Ab Chao
Ordo Ab Chao

May-2-2011 14:01

but drank wine...

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

May-3-2011 14:03

, thus proving that

Ordo Ab Chao
Ordo Ab Chao

May-4-2011 10:15

stupidity is hereditary.

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

May-4-2011 23:35

(Just a thought: I play this game on another forum, and it works much better if you're not allowed to include closing punctuation. If the next person wants to start a new sentence that's up to them. Means everyone has more options!)

Meanwhile, the Princess

Ordo Ab Chao
Ordo Ab Chao

May-5-2011 11:20

demands the impossible...

Frances Taylor
Frances Taylor

Oct-22-2011 11:18

from her servants....

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