^<V Game!
Agent Andrew
Sep-3-2006 01:42
The rules are quite simple...
^ Say something about the previous sleuth.
< Say something about yourself.
V Make a prediction about the next sleuth.
Replies |
Beaufort T. Knox
Aug-31-2008 10:55
^sews oven mitts like his mum told him to instead of basketball
<is getting ready to eat some french toast and eggs
v once kissed a frog in hopes of a prince/princess, but kissed the wrong end.
Sep-4-2008 07:26
^ Had breakfast 4 days ago
< going back to bed
v has gas really bad
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Sep-18-2008 20:48
^On the South Beach Diet and avoids eating by cuddling her pillow
<can't afford gas and is walking more.
v wears clogs in an effort to create international realtions
miss snopes
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Sep-19-2008 01:25
^seriously researching electric vehicles.
<can't get this Prince song out of her head
v has a life-size poster of Prince over the bed.
Sep-21-2008 16:16
^ Runs out to get a little red corvette in purple rain wearing a beret.
< Doesn't have a Prince over my bed, but would like to.
v Likes to hear doves mourn.
Lucky Stiff
Sep-28-2008 10:56
^ Devastated that Prince became a squiggle
< Will shoot the next dove that wakes me before 6am
v Wants a pet stone
Sleuth About Town
Sep-28-2008 21:31
^ once stoned her pet dove
< has way too many pets already
v wants to dance like Gene-Gene "the dancin' machine" from the old Gong Show
Sep-29-2008 09:07
^ Even has a pet Octopus when the nights are lonely.
< Taught Gene how to dance.
v Wants to be a movie star.
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Oct-3-2008 13:09
^spends too much time cleaning her house
< is really bored and playing all the games on the mssge. board
v wants to wrestle with ^Raz in a vat of dark Mexican chocolate
Oct-3-2008 14:52
^Officiated the wrestling match between Raz and myself
<Got his behind kicked in said wrestling match
v want's to see Sophie wrestle with Raz