^<V Game!
Agent Andrew
Sep-3-2006 01:42
The rules are quite simple...
^ Say something about the previous sleuth.
< Say something about yourself.
V Make a prediction about the next sleuth.
Replies |
Jesse Hunter
Jun-27-2008 15:14
^ claims to be "topkebab" but is actually "17th in her class of 83-kebab"
< doesn't actually hunt anything
v will let this thread get back to page three before posting
Lady Ruby Caplan
Jul-8-2008 17:12
^isn't going to England tomorrow.
>is going to England tomorrow.
v will go to England one day.
Sleuth About Town
Jul-9-2008 00:06
^ went to England yesterday
< kick out from agency recently
v want to know " why" :))
Jul-10-2008 01:21
^ Staying up all night asking, "WHY????????"
< Went to England along time ago
v Wondering what the big deal with England is
Lucky Stiff
Jul-14-2008 05:02
^ Likes the Scottish
< Left England, "voluntarily"...
v Never eaten a Haggis
Rocky Polinski
Aug-4-2008 13:59
^Is an absolute fool for leaving England
<Has, indeed, never eaten Haggis
VHas no idea what in tarnation Haggis is
Aug-4-2008 14:39
^really doesn't want to know what Haggis is
Vwill have to fight the urge to tell what Haggis is
Lucky Stiff
Aug-4-2008 22:34
^ needs a new yoga guru
< prefers kickboxing
v thinks competitive eating is the ultimate sport
Aug-5-2008 12:34
^needs anger manegment <needs counseling for slueth just needs help before going postal
Aug-24-2008 09:24
^ Gets "It's not that serious" counseling.
< Is home alone.
v Will write something really funny!