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Old Shoe

Aug-27-2004 13:18

Ben, please help! It appears that one of our agency members took things from the locker, then promply quit our agency. She is still currently wearing the exact items we're missing, and she's brand new to the game, so she has had no chance to win the EXACT items we lost the day before she quit. Is there anything we can do, or should I send her a message myself? Please help!



Aug-31-2004 16:12

Is there a way to set permissions on the locker so that members can view items ? Then if they like/need an item have the Agency Leader send/assign an item to that person ?


Aug-31-2004 19:21

what is the message board spam issue - sorry, but I missed something.


Aug-31-2004 23:37

bigdoc, someone put gibberish in the first ten slots of the message board in the wee small hours of the morning, and so I struck back the only way I knew how, which was to put the ten most current game-related and therefore legitimate postings back in front. That's all. I didn't want for this misguided person to get lots of attention as he no doubt was seeking.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Sep-1-2004 09:32

Thanks Moonshh, bumping the relevant messages was appropriate.

Normally, I don't remove posts or replies, even if there is a complaint about their content, precisely because it can lead to confusion when they are missing. In this case, Haza had posted enough spam to significantly disrupt the boards, so I did delete the offending messages.

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