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Anything and Nothing
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Lucky Stiff

Aug-23-2006 22:01

I have created a sleuth miracle!


Go ahead and try, but this thread is about anything and nothing, all at the the same time!

This is the place where Al can talk about world domination, Crunch can worship David Hasselhoff, SS can try and find even more complicated questions for his pub quizzes, Nikkie can advertise for Tim Tams, cfm can troll for more Sharpie victims, JR can beg for the chance to win Bobo back, and bedazzling can be a way of life!

So go off, rant and rave, talk about anything, i don't care, I just wanted to see my avatar on the page (when its actually me anyways)

So go ahead, I dare you all to try and hijack me :)


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Aug-14-2007 05:52

I'm waiting for the cartoon to come out.

Armitage Shanks
Armitage Shanks

Aug-15-2007 01:53

There already is a cartoon. It was out long before JK Rowling even started writing her books. It's about a young kid with glasses and a scar on his forehead who's a magician. Rowling pretty much ripped the idea from there. And the cartoon in turn ripped the idea from a very old saga/story that's been told through the ages. Can't recall it all, but I *have* indeed read the beginning of the cartoon.

Sorry.. comic book. :/ Never mind.


Aug-15-2007 10:56

I guess you could say she ripped the idea from there if you could prove she actually knew anything about it. *shrug*

Anyway, every story plot in the world has already been told multiple times. It's the details that makes them all different stories.

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Aug-15-2007 11:02

I big congratulations to BigStar/Biggles/Bigster/Biggie528 for quitting smoking! It's a pretty amazing thing to do and she deserve a clap. (NO Crunch *a* )

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Aug-15-2007 11:03

Does anyone know what the difference between entrapment is and undercover work?
(Cops ia on TV)

Armitage Shanks
Armitage Shanks

Aug-15-2007 13:30

Well.. even if she didn't "rip" Harry Potter from there she at least took a lot of inspiration. There are too many things that are identical to call it a coincidence. Perhaps they both got their idea for their story from those original old stories. I'm absolutely not saying any of this would make Rowling's books crap in any way. Movie remakes are often good. *shrugs*


Aug-15-2007 14:26

WAY TO GO, BIGGIE!!!! Congratulations!

Been there, done that, know how hard it is. So GOOD FOR YOU!

Sinclair Burns
Sinclair Burns

Aug-16-2007 11:41

Since I can be random here:

Everytime I run across a suspect in Shanghai with the name "Yu Ji" I can't help but think: "U-G-L-Y, you ain't got no alibi."

Con Artist

Aug-16-2007 22:04

Purple snarfblarb radiant anteaters


Aug-16-2007 22:13

Does anyone realize this thead is due to celebrate it's one year birthday in only one week.

Happy Birthday Anything and Nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!

And many more..............

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