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Marshall Law
Marshall Law

Aug-14-2006 11:52

Ok...So I decided to try Doomsayer...or whatever it is called...the one with Domino Walker. I AM STUCK!!!! Any someone might be able to give me would be greatly appreciated. I know about the show in the park, and I have some ideas there.....But there is no one else for me to speak to. The warden, prisoner and the guard tell me nothing one in town knows anyhting......


Marshall Law
Marshall Law

Aug-14-2006 18:29

Thank you all for your help.....


Aug-15-2006 01:26

Oops, forgot to add that if you don't have all the suspects at the part where you were stuck with no one tallking then the best thing to do on that FM is trying a different strategy (it's usually the same thing that causes people to get stuck on this one) :)

However, if you have all the suspects at the point where you were stuck, then you just need to figure out who did it ;)

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Aug-15-2006 01:49

Heh.. I think what Greyling is saying.. it that there is a certain order to a few FMs. a to b to c to d ... ect.
If you find out step a then go step c missing out step b it might not work.
Or if you get a, b, c then always get stuck at d.. .start over doing the same thing and use a different strat at step d.

I'm pretty sure with this FM, if youyu find out a piece of info too soon, you're screwed and need to start over.

And like Breit said, maybe you don't have the skills/equipment to do this FM yet... the one in Delhi is quite a bit harder and a person clammed on me the first time I did that meaning I had to restart.. and I have all of the interview and smart skills I need as well as some faction skills + the best gear.

You don't have to do them straight away and they will stay there... the rewards might also be more beneficial when you're a much older detective.

Al Z
Al Z

Aug-15-2006 16:37

Marshall, be certain to check research multiple times during that case. You have to do research or the case won't advance in a few different places.

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