The story continues...
Aug-25-2004 12:46
Elsey walks into the local bar, The Tricky Mister, and asks her old buddy Cyrus to pour her a drink.
"Something girly," she asks him. "Something the boys will laugh at."
She smiles and looks around the room. She thinks about who else might walk into the room tonight. She turns back to her girly drink and waits for Sir James to arrive, as he undoubtedly will at some point.
Just then, the front door opens and in walks....
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Jun-6-2005 21:33
I can't believe what I read in the Sleuth's Daily News this morning?" complains DaRu disquested, as she walks towards Makinsie & jstkdn, whose seated at the bar, "Now were going to be the laughing stock of the town," she says as she slams the paper down on the counter in front of them, "Have you seen it yet?"......Makinsie, take a another big swig of whiskey, then replies, "What do you think DaRu, that is why we're in here drinking again." "Man, news travels quick, doesn't it?." "But who have thunk it, that we'd be front page news?" However, I haven't would we would have made the headlines of the front page?" But, they couldn't have picked four more beautiful ladies....hahaha! jstkdn, who had had her head down on the counter, suddenly raises it up & with a silly grin on her face says, "well I'd rather be on the front page, than in the obiturary section." "Leave it to you, jstkdn to come up with that one" replies DaRu, well, I here's one good thing about it, I've already had fifteen clients who called & setup appointments, wanting me to do some investigating for them, & since buisness has been a bit slow these past several months, it ain't anything, except it wasn't my best side in the news, if you get my meaning".....DaRu says with a smirky look on her face...then about that time
Jun-6-2005 21:38
Elsey wakes up, confused and unaware of where she is. She looks around and recognizes NOTHING... Except a photo of Greyling on the wall finding her first treasure back in the days of Chicago.
*Whew* Elsey sighs *For a second there I thought I'd fallen asleep on another gross frat house couch!*
Elsey sits up and takes a good long look around her. She likes what she sees.
*Maybe they'll take me in here. I'd like to get back into the Sleuth thing slowly.*
She shrugs and wanders off in an attempt to find Greyling.
Cyrus Tibby
Jun-6-2005 21:43
the door opens and a deliveryman brings in the case of weed control that Cyrus has ordered.
"Ladies I promise there will be no recurrences of the picture in todays city news", Cyrus says as he opens the weeed control and throws out all plants in the bar. " the only plant's allowed in here from now on are Mak's personal Triffid and the special 'plants' that Jstkdn is allowed to purchase in Amsterdam" :).
"If anyone is going to be sending pictures to the city news it will be me" says Cyrus, " but only if jojo insists upon playing Vanilla Ice on the Juke Box".
Jun-6-2005 21:47
Ms. C looks at DaRu with concern and asks, "Are you feeling alright DaRu?, cause you didn't make awhole lot of sense, in fact, you don't look very good right now." "Heck no, I'm just fine" replies DaRu, I only took a couple of nerve pills this morning, after I read this, then a couple of pain pills for my throbbing headache, along with a swig of Nyquil to wash it down, and I ain't feelin no pain." DaRu says with a smirky grin. Then..........
Jun-6-2005 21:57
DaRu walks towards Cyrus, who just entered the bar with the delivery man, and ask him, "Did you see who took the photo last night?", "I mean, I was so out of it for awhile that I thought I was seeing things ...hehe". As Cyrus beging to reply.....
Cyrus Tibby
Jun-6-2005 22:05
yes DaRu i did see who took that picture, it was a cactus that is apparently angry with Mak for some reason. That is ok the weed control i picked up will put a stop to that problem.
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
Jun-6-2005 23:16
Daru looks at Makensie "You silly woman, can't you keep control of your triffids over there, what did you do now?" Makensie says "I have no idea but I'm sure I will find out" Ms C says "Oh you guys, really, how bad can it harm us?" Jstkdn says "That's right...we may have alcoholic moments but we're damn good detectives" and slaps the bar in emphasis as she says it, and knocks her whiskey over on Cyrus. Jstkdn looks at him and says "Ooops" Cyrus gets a disgusted look on his face and says "This was a new shirt" and begins wiping himself off.
Suddenly, Daru yells "OH!!!!" Jstkdn jumps and says "Don't you people know how edgy I am today? Quit shouting! Now what Daru?" Daru says "I love this song on the jukebox! Come on Ms C lets dance!!!" Jstkdn rolls her eyes and watches them get up.
Music is playing, and Ms C and Daru get up and dance, and Makensie stays at the bar, tapping her hands on the bar, playing imaginary drums as Jstkdn.....Makensie starts laughing, and goes "Jstkdn!!!" Jstkdn is up on the bar, striking a pose and says "Take my picture NOW you piece of weed!!"
A camera flash comes out of nowhere ,as Greyling and Elsey....
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
Jun-6-2005 23:24
and they notice a shadow. Elsey, first giggles at seeing Jstkdn on the bar dancing, and says "Encoreee" Jstkdn smiles and says "Hi guys!" Makensie turns and says "Did you notice a flash of light?" Jstkdn says "Oh brother, it is them stupid cactus things again" Elsey says, "No, actually, we say a dark shadow, and it was human form"
Jstkdn says "Even off duty, the mystery never goes way"
Noone notices but someone is watching in the shadows...taking everything in.
As Daru and Ms C are still dancing, Daru spins around, and notices a....
Jun-7-2005 12:22
a triffid about to attach itself to her leg, when all of a sudden it teeth takes a big hunk out of her leg, causing blood to spill out all over the dance floor. "Well you stupid plant, I'll show you", DaRu says, while kicking the plant as hard as she can, while sending it sailing across the wood floor and breaking into a dozen piece after hitting the wall. During all of this the flash of light is seen once again, & then the man who had been watching from the shadows steps out from the shadows and.....
Jun-7-2005 12:32
as a witness to the whole scene, he looks to her and says Daru. I am sorry but it is your time.
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