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What I'm reading now...
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Ruby Emerald
Ruby Emerald
Super Steeper

Jul-27-2006 03:15

I know we already have the Sleuths Bookshelf, but people there talk about their general tastes, what books they liked in childhood etc. I'd like all of us to share with others what we are reading now, do we like it or not and to recommend the books we like. Possibly we could have a similar thread for movies.


Old Shoe

Jul-22-2009 04:58

I finished the Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein a couple days ago. I always like to have some non-fiction on hand to kill some time or help me get to sleep.


Jul-25-2009 01:00

I just finished The Scarecrow. Good book Ms. Helen, not what I wanted as its a thriller instead of a mystery.

Now onto my next one, "The Murder of DAN Ackroyd" I think John Belushi did it! ;-)

Sam the Rose
Sam the Rose
Old Shoe

Aug-26-2009 13:21

I read a good psycho who dun it type: Discovering the Body. Not noir but good.
Harlan Corban's latest was good too.
Anyone ever read Ian Rankin? I've read most of his this last year. Not the last Rebus or the latest, tho. He writes well.

Sam the Rose
Sam the Rose
Old Shoe

Aug-30-2009 14:45

every time I see your name, ctown, I read CLOWN 28.
so applogise dozens of times and a few more dozen in advance!

what is ctown?

Rosamund Clifford
Rosamund Clifford
Tale Spinner

Aug-31-2009 11:12

I'm reading The Death Maze by Ariana Franklin, a twelfth century murder mystery which holds a special interest to me because the victim is none other than - Rosamund Clifford. The real one, who was the favourite mistress of Henry II of England. Half of it is historically improbable, if not impossible, but not uninteresting all the same. I'd recommend it only to history addicts like myself :)

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

May-16-2014 13:42

I am re-reading Horns, NOS4r2 and Black Heart Box, all by Joe Hill.

It wasn't really conscious or anything, my copy of Horns had dropped off the book shelf so started reading it, wanted to re-read NOS4r2 and something came up while hanging out with Blueberry Hill that reminded my of something in Black Heart Box, so started reading that.

My copy of Horns is actually signed by Joe Hill whom I saw when he did a book signing in London. He read a chapter of NOS4r2 before it came out.

Washed Up Punter

May-17-2014 15:19

Even if I'm a big mistery novels fan, right now I'm reading Schopenhauer's "The art of being right".
Kinda fun to read and practical too

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