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Apr-21-2004 11:14

I was just wondering could the city people you talk to during a case help you like for instance I had a case my only witness clamed up completely then I went back and she was dead. Of course I can not go any futher but when you talk to the city folk and the give a name can it apear so we can question them making it a double murder increasing your earnings or even if we are good in the fraction they can give a witness to help? just asking cause i so needed this favor completed for the treasure.


Dr. Watson
Dr. Watson

May-10-2004 17:31

Out of all the suggestions so far, I think that Greyling's is the best of both worlds.

Everyone gets 1 key contact that they can keep. (It may take some time, but it's going to happen)

Everyone has the possibility of having 2 key contacts for short periods.

Sounds that fairist suggestion so far. Works for me anyway.


May-10-2004 19:42

I'm not in an agency, but to me fat chuck's argument makes sense.
I know that it doesn't sound fair that some people have 2 evidence contacts, while some have none (I am on the lucky side of having 2 good contacts), but maybe this is part of the luck involved in the game.
I got unlucky in some cases too. Right before I got my first contact, I bought advanced hair analysis, and at the next favor right after that, I got the barber for contact.
When later I got the tailor as my second contact, it felt like making up for the precious skill points that got wasted, and are now so difficult to gather.
Moreover, if it is so important for someone to have 2 key contacts, they can always do that by giving up favors to "non-useful" witnesses and only complete favors for the 4 evidence people. I know this sounds a bit annoying, but till I got my first contact I actually tried to follow that, so that I could ensure at least one good contact.

Since there is actually a way to ensure good contacts through careful planning, maybe there isn't so much issue of fairness after all...

Samuel Strawberries
Samuel Strawberries

May-11-2004 00:56

Wayne Williams Jr. and Fat Chuck have it right - one not so good contact, and one very good contact per detective. (Thoughtfulness from fat kittens - who'd have thunk it?) I'd suggest that the lesser contact be granted first.

The game can be a tad easy at times. If I had two mondo helpful contacts, there would be little challenge even at the ridiculous level.

With one of each type, there is really no need of any system for swapping contacts. Just a rather contentious initial transition.


May-11-2004 02:58

Hey Samuel, just a question - has Fat Kitten ever got personal with you? (Even by as much as you did up there?) I suggest you control your tone. Or else... :)

Samuel Strawberries
Samuel Strawberries

May-12-2004 01:33

Kitten, I unreservedly withdraw my clumsy aside. In addition I offer up my fourth born as penance. The first three are already spoken for, thanks to my finely honed talent for ill-considered remarks.


May-12-2004 05:30

:D No offence taken. At all. Never was. Just spotted it and felt like commenting.

Had I been offended, you'd already have your eyes scratched out ;)

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