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Apr-21-2004 11:14

I was just wondering could the city people you talk to during a case help you like for instance I had a case my only witness clamed up completely then I went back and she was dead. Of course I can not go any futher but when you talk to the city folk and the give a name can it apear so we can question them making it a double murder increasing your earnings or even if we are good in the fraction they can give a witness to help? just asking cause i so needed this favor completed for the treasure.



May-5-2004 06:22

"Spare skill points? Where?"

Here. I honestly don't know what else I could buy with them. I have everything I need. :p


May-5-2004 13:22

3 - count 'em - 3 cases today where the 2nd or 3rd suspect clammed on the 1st question - Awesome.

Hard Boiled
Hard Boiled

May-5-2004 18:42

Negasong, I guess I don't have a lot of experience. It's only my second day. But if you seem to be having all this difficulty, maybe you are doing it wrong, or maybe you are trying to do ones that are too hard.


May-5-2004 20:54

perhaps they are supposed to clam early, due to the difficulty? if you don't have good enough persuasion skills, the people who clam early are going to be big stubling blocks. if you can't convince them to answer enough questions, i agree it will be very frustrating.

I'll say what everyone else has said, that is: go down a level until they are easy to solve, then do them until you are REALLY comfortable with them. then try some harder ones. no one
is making you do the cases at a certain level.

i think all of us have run into this in varying degrees at some time or another.


May-6-2004 01:59

I don't think I'm playing over my head. I only get 1 skill point for every 4 really hard cases I take on, and before today, I solved about 20 really hard cases in a row, so I think it was just a really unlucky day for me.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

May-6-2004 08:30

At 10000 experience, I would think that Really Hard should be about right. For you. It does sometimes suck to be at the whim of luck, but it is sort of inevitable with random mysteries.

The may be a bright side, though. It may be more frustrating to get stuck right off the bat, but at least you don't waste 10 minutes working on a mystery, only to get stuck at the end. Well, it could be a bright side.

Dr. Watson
Dr. Watson

May-7-2004 19:58

I would say that negasong was right about 3 pages ago. (Changing the subject, sort of)

If you find out about about a suspect (however that is, by a suspect or a witness) they should appear on the list of people you can interview.

I know no body asked for them, but that's my 2 pennies worth.

Wayne Williams Jr.
Wayne Williams Jr.

May-7-2004 23:11

Actually, I believe some players have asked for this before. That is, to allow the townsfolk to be able to point out new suspects.

The problem is that this will slightly alter the difficulty of the mysteries.

But on the other hand, I'm thinking this could be a good idea. This will make the normally "useless" contacts slightly more valuable, because these are the contacts where you can ask them "if they know anything about the case".


May-8-2004 11:49

I don't know if they're really so "useless". Sometimes things they have to say come in very handy. Especially when it's about clammed up suspects.


May-8-2004 17:17

How do you get contacts? What do they do...?

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