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Apr-21-2004 11:14

I was just wondering could the city people you talk to during a case help you like for instance I had a case my only witness clamed up completely then I went back and she was dead. Of course I can not go any futher but when you talk to the city folk and the give a name can it apear so we can question them making it a double murder increasing your earnings or even if we are good in the fraction they can give a witness to help? just asking cause i so needed this favor completed for the treasure.



Apr-30-2004 16:54

Its happened to me AGAIN! At this point I dont really care about getting extra status/cash for double murders, Im just sick of my only suspect clamming up before (s)he can give me new names.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Apr-30-2004 16:57

Did you ask the motive question first? Good rule of thumb for favors. You're going to need to ask it eventually anyway.


Apr-30-2004 17:46

If you go to your only suspect first thing and make the motive question your first question, surely you are VERY unlikely not to get an answer, or otherwise you are doing a level that's simply too hard for you!

Of course you do get unlucky once in a blue moon. That situation has happened to me...well, maybe five times during my career. Sometimes things just don't work out. Get over it.

Fat Chuck
Fat Chuck

Apr-30-2004 20:42

I usually prefer to ask my last known suspect if they know of any others before I ask about motive. I might be able to work around an unknown motive but I can't interview suspects I don't know about.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Apr-30-2004 21:38

I assume you meant you can work around an unknown alibi, not motive, Chuck.

Wayne Williams Jr.
Wayne Williams Jr.

Apr-30-2004 23:38

I think it's happened to anyone at some point. Asking for motive right away is a good advice.

Yes, choice of skills is very important too. You'll realise some skills are better than others. I hit a bottleneck too, in developing my detective, because of "wrong" skill choice. Now, I have a pretty good idea how you should develop a character. Also, there are some skills I wouldn't even touch. Instead of feeling frustrated, you could see this as one more aspect of the game. You need to choose very carefully.


May-1-2004 02:55

The motive question should obviously always be first. It just seems to me that if a person in the city says (for argument's sake) "Wayne Williams Jr. thinks he knows who the murderer is" and that person is not on your list, you should be able to question them. They would have no motive, like your client at the beginning of the game, but they should be able to be questioned. And apparently Kitten, it's happened to me a little more frequently than it's happened to you, so "get over it" is an answer you can keep to yourself if you have nothing constructive to add.

Fat Chuck
Fat Chuck

May-1-2004 07:55

oops, right Ben. I meant unknown alibi.


May-1-2004 08:36

You know how sometimes you're typing quickly and don't take enough time to read over the finished text? That's sort of what happened above. I did not mean to come across as rude or unconstructive, and I admit that I did.

What I meant (and did not say) was more along the lines of: "You know, life does go on - others have managed to play this game as it is, and I believe you will as well - I believe this is just a difficult patch in your gameplay, and something you can get over without the game being altered."

I was also under the illusion that my message did have a basic constructive point, even if it was just expanding what Sleuth Admin had said above it and apparently rather obvious to you.

Anyway, I did not mean to cause bad blood. I'm sorry if I did.

Wayne Williams Jr.
Wayne Williams Jr.

May-1-2004 10:39

I can vouch that Kitten is a nice person.

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