Recruitment tampering?
Jul-19-2006 17:07
Last nite, I responded to a thread in the recruitment boards from Racheal Greene letting her know that ERF TEAM was interested. Upon checking to see if she responded back, I noticed my reply was gone (deleted)....
As this is the 3rd time this has happened to me, I've alerted Ben. If and when he finds out who has done this, I will ask that they lose their status as board moderator.
If anyone else has noticed this and didn't think much of it (as I did the 1st two times), please PM Ben as well. The last thing we need is someone trying to block anyone's efforts at building a better team. I'm not going to go into who I think it may be, but I am asking everyone to be watchful, because this may have happened to you as well.
Replies |
Jul-19-2006 17:10
Thanks for informing. Didn't happen to me so far but if this is for real it's a dreadful thing of course. I guess you can always send a private message to the player involved but still...
Jul-19-2006 17:45
I prefer to just respond to their post, because it also let's others know that we are looking, as opposed to just placing one of the many recruiting ads. It will be interesting to see how this plays out...oh the intrique of Sleuthville, lol.
Chelsea Bando
Jul-19-2006 18:44
I am not responsible for this, although evil and me are on a first name basis. I think it is utterly despicable that any mod or admin would attempt to delete posts of rival agencies looking for members. I support Chronestrian in his gallant quest to find the guilty culprit and bring them to justice in the gallows. Sleuth does not need people who abuse their powers that Ben has entrusted them with.
Lucky Stiff
Jul-19-2006 18:46
could have been an arch villain??
Battered Shoe
Jul-19-2006 18:52
Good for you for posting this, Chron. This hasn't happened to me, but I think things like this need to be brought out into the open. If a mod has in fact done this, that person needs to be relieved of their duties.
Lucky Stiff
Jul-19-2006 19:23
Sleuthville impeachment! :)
Jul-19-2006 20:04
While, it doesn't sound like something any of would do, just to put everyone's mind at ease, everything we do as mods is recorded and traceable. So if there is anything going on, I'm certain that Ben will take appropriate action.
Con Artist
Jul-19-2006 20:13
Hi chrone, I hate that you think this has happened. But I have a question. Is there any way to completely remove a reply? How many times have we all seen "This reply has been deleted by a moderator"? Usually it aggravates me cause I want to know what was said that was delete-worthy. I'm not saying it hasn't happened. Just asking if it is possible for it to have happened. If mods can delete without leaving a trace, why not always use it? Why leave "This reply has been deleted by a moderator"? I know most of our mods, and I think they all do a great job at keeping our boards clean. I honestly can't see the ones I know using their 'power' willy nilly, or in revenge, or out of contempt for a particular player. Even when they may have reason to. Hope you get things worked out, either way. (And if, by some weird chance, someone did do it, I agree, they should be demoted.)
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Jul-19-2006 21:53
Hi Chron,
If any of your replies are missing, they were not removed by moderator tools. As AutomSprings noted, replies deleted by moderators are not removed entirely, they are still visible, you just can't read the reply text.
Also, there is no record of any mods deleting either posts or replies by you anytime in the last few days.
It's possible there is a bug that caused this. I've been making a number of changes to the message board code lately, so a new bug may have been introduced.
For the record, it would not be appropriate for a moderator to use their mod privs to remove recruitment messages from a rival agency.
Sorry about that.
Jul-19-2006 23:49
Hey, it's all good as long as it's nothing intentional. The first 2 times I thought it was a glitch or I was mistaken, but the agent I was trying to recruit seemed like a potentially important agent, I had to say something about it. Thanx for handling it so expeditiously! Happy Sleuthing to all!