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two witnesses "rule"
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Edgar Bezoar
Edgar Bezoar

Jul-8-2006 10:53

The "two witnesses" rule (you can rely on someone being guilty if you have two witnesses, even if the suspect has clammed on giving you an alibi) doesn't seem to be true anymore. Just a "heads up".....


Edgar Bezoar
Edgar Bezoar

Jul-9-2006 13:44

Yes, it definitely happened. Usually, the rule applies but on this one occasion it didn't. It is rare to have to rely on two witnesses anyway, but it did cost me my second failed case (shady is going to make a mint!)
I can't remember the case though - I had assumed that the titles were random just like the random games.
Certainly I wouldn't recommend relying on two witnesses if you have two failed cases.

Con Artist

Jul-9-2006 13:59 me it sounds like a bug....have you contacted sleuth admin?


Jul-9-2006 14:45

Yep, the titles should be random, but if you have the name of the case and the ca. time you played it, Ben has a chance of being able to find the case among all the many many cases done in a day and then check it for you if you think something didn't add up :)


Jul-11-2006 06:59

But till now on all the occassions when ppl thought they had a bugged case, it turned out to be a player mistake.

Edgar Bezoar
Edgar Bezoar

Jul-12-2006 14:56

Yes, I know it could well be me, but my note taking method makes it unlikely (honest!) - what ever it was, it must be very rare.

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