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minimum necessary to have a chance to find a treasure
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Jun-30-2006 07:40

...does a one person agency have at least a 1 in 10 chance to find
a treasure if they lack a crime lab, a faction skill of one type and
what city is it easier for a one detective agency to compete in ?


Fricasee Fran
Fricasee Fran

Jun-30-2006 16:54

No, no, no! I meant to subscribe two detectives, estonia AND latvia, and pay for them both! Your first detective is gone now!

Battered Shoe

Jun-30-2006 16:57

(sry, Fran's my 2nd detective)

R Anstett
R Anstett

Jul-1-2006 08:36

I think a possible misunderstanding here is the difference between players and detectives.

CFM was talking about a single Player agency where that one player controls several different detectives.

Ara was saying that you should do that, to create and Subscribe multiple detectives to staff an agency.

You as the player still have Estonia subscribed and can start an agency with that detective. Then you could subscribe Latvia and have that detective join the agency also.

So your original question about can a single Person win a treasure hunt is yes, but only by controling multiple Detectives. Rach's point of why it is incredibly hard for a detective alone in an agency to win a hunt is very true.

Lucky Stiff

Jul-1-2006 08:55

my head is spinning from this post...Ara you are eloquent beyond words though....

Rhiemma Moon
Rhiemma Moon

Jul-1-2006 22:06

Some people prefer to be the 'lone wolf' but, for me, one of the best parts of the game (and being subscribed) is getting to be in an agency and working with a team of other players. I subscribed to be able to play more. But, I and my other detective will stay subscribed because of the friends I've made here. (well, besides the fun of playing *grin*)


Jul-2-2006 02:26

You didnt have to kill your other detective. You can have as many detectives you want and sub how many you want. Only thing is that you cant have more than two subbed detectives of same player in same agency.

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