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Jun-19-2006 14:03

Ok, I know this sounds stupid, but I can't figure out how to win! I've only done 2 different mysteries (on different names) and both times I guessed the people whose alibis were false and both times I was wrong! I went to all of the buildings and talked to all of the people--who by the way clammed up--and I can't figure it out! HELP!!!!


Miss Hip
Miss Hip

Jun-23-2006 07:14

I fell like an idiot. I took another look at the equations and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I can't believe I couldn't see it before.


Jun-23-2006 07:18

Nah, don't worry about it - if it wasn't because I'd heard those equations repeated a thousand times, I'm not sure they'd make immediate sense to me either :)


Jun-27-2006 16:28

Have you tried out the tutorial? Always ask if they have an alibi. If it is fake, they aren't always the suspect. Asking around at different places (bar, music place, fortune teller) usually gives you more info. Ask suspects if they suspect other suspects. If one person shows up the most, they are most likely guilty. People without an alibi are likely to be guilty (that goes for people with fake ones too).

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