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...hasn't heard or seen anything?
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Kevino Albino
Kevino Albino

Jun-7-2006 05:33

What does it actually mean when someone of the town says: "...hasn't heard or seen anything"? At first I tought that it would mean that this particular person doesn't know anything. But then when I asked that person if he/she knows something about a suspect they give a very helpfull answer, and sometimes nothing at all.
So what is the real meaning of that expression "...hasn't heard or seen anything"?

P.S: I haven't found an answer to this question in the help FAQ and I have already searched through the message board for a long time...


Kevino Albino
Kevino Albino

Jun-7-2006 09:33

@ Greyling: That's what I also found weird. That a person that "hasn't heard or seen anything" knows something about a suspect. It can be a lucky one timer. Thanks for the help...

Serena Siren
Serena Siren

Jun-7-2006 13:18

Kevino, I think it probably was just a little one time glitch if someone who "hasn't heard or seen anything" actually gave you WE against another suspect...I haven't ever had that happen, so I think you can pretty much be safe in not asking suspects who aren't supposed to know anything what they've seen or heard :)

Just a reminder, though, someone who "hasn't heard or seen anything" CAN still be the killer.

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