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...hasn't heard or seen anything?
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Kevino Albino
Kevino Albino

Jun-7-2006 05:33

What does it actually mean when someone of the town says: "...hasn't heard or seen anything"? At first I tought that it would mean that this particular person doesn't know anything. But then when I asked that person if he/she knows something about a suspect they give a very helpfull answer, and sometimes nothing at all.
So what is the real meaning of that expression "...hasn't heard or seen anything"?

P.S: I haven't found an answer to this question in the help FAQ and I have already searched through the message board for a long time...


Kevino Albino
Kevino Albino

Jun-7-2006 06:00

And why can't the barber know anyone who thinks he/she knows who the killer is?

Kevino Albino
Kevino Albino

Jun-7-2006 06:01

And why can't the barber know anyone who thinks he/she knows who the killer is?

R Anstett
R Anstett

Jun-7-2006 07:25

There are two types of townies PE (hair, thread, foot, notes) and WE (all the rest). All will answer questions about alibi (real or liar/none)

When you visit the Bartender they will have the question "if someone knows anything" to give you the clue about which suspects will be helpful in questioning to get WE (witness evidence) out of. When you visit the Barber you can compare the hair you found at the crime scene with suspects on your list to see who the PE (physical evidence) belongs to.

You only get so many questions answered based on your skills, so asking only about people who you know are liars/none is the best use of your questions.


Jun-7-2006 08:30

Kevino, usually when a townsperson says "X hasn't heard or seen anything", it means that X won't name any of the other suspects if you ask X if he or she "has heard or seen anything to make him or her suspect somebody". So if you've had cases where such an X has actually said something when asking that question about one of the other suspects, then I'm not really sure what to say :)

Kevino Albino
Kevino Albino

Jun-7-2006 09:33

@ Greyling: That's what I also found weird. That a person that "hasn't heard or seen anything" knows something about a suspect. It can be a lucky one timer. Thanks for the help...

Serena Siren
Serena Siren

Jun-7-2006 13:18

Kevino, I think it probably was just a little one time glitch if someone who "hasn't heard or seen anything" actually gave you WE against another suspect...I haven't ever had that happen, so I think you can pretty much be safe in not asking suspects who aren't supposed to know anything what they've seen or heard :)

Just a reminder, though, someone who "hasn't heard or seen anything" CAN still be the killer.

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