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Skill Regret
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Ruth Steele
Ruth Steele

Jun-4-2006 12:35

Is there any way to "unlearn" skills? I bought one and I'm wishing I didn't.



Jun-19-2006 16:34

So yeah...

I'm a newbie (I admit) and I just picked 2. I don't much regret lock picking--it has its uses--but I stupidly picked judge of character when I can't do either of the methods you can use!


Jun-19-2006 19:54

I know, I made the same mistake.. Judge of character only helps if we have alternative skills of charm and toughness. But then why waste skills on one if we have the other?


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Old Shoe

Jun-19-2006 19:58

Eventually, when you have skill points to burn, you may choose to get the other set of skills. Some people actually do use JoC--they use the suspect's numbers to determine which skill set to use to question them.

Rhiemma Moon
Rhiemma Moon

Jun-20-2006 00:27

I was one of those that built tough and charming skills together. So, I got JoC early.
And haven't regretted it. Everyone has their own methods, though. It worked for me, but it's usually recommended to focus on either charming or tough at first.

having both tough and charming interview skills means that those suspects that used to clam up on me are less likely to since I have both interrogation and sweet-talking. I can determine which to use on them with JoC. :)

Pinball Amateur

Jun-20-2006 03:24

Judge of Character also gives you a total of all the factors you have to use with a certain suspect, both for Tough and for Charming skills, and gives you a final percentage, as it were. I've found this to be helpful in determining how good my chances are in getting a suspect to talk. The closer a score is to 100 (0r over 100, hopefully), the more likely that person is to be more willing to talk. It can be especially helpful as you progress to harder cases, even if you don't get both Tough and Charming skills, just knowing how likely the suspect is to talk. Hope this helps! ;-)

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