Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Aug-18-2004 14:36
Somebody suggested adding a swap-meet where players could sell equipment to each other, rather than just to the store.
This is an idea I've had before, but in thinking about it, I've decided that the only way it would really work is to make it so equipment wears out over time. Otherwise, everybody would quickly end up with the best equipment in the game.
The way it could work would be that a given piece of equipment would last through a certain number of cases, or uses (skill checks). Some equipment could be more durable than others. You could then sell used equipment, but the buyer would only get the remaining number of uses before it fell apart.
This would also make money more useful to the high level detectives for whom it has become fairly irrelevant.
Let me know if you are interested in the game moving in the direction of a more realistic economy or not.