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Lock Picking


Jun-1-2006 02:13

Can you please somebody tell me how useful is Lock Picking skill? Is it successfull on every attempt? What all can you find or detect after it works? I think it's the last skill with unknown benefit that I can choose.
I have Hair and Thread Analysis, Intermediate Sweet Talking, Advanced Rule Bending, Stress Detection, Research and Hypnotism till now. I'm deciding between Lock Picking and Advanced Sweet Talking. Thanks for answers.


Serena Siren
Serena Siren

Jun-1-2006 02:26

Okay, do not quote me on this cause I don't yet have the skill, but from what I understand:

Lock is useful because it affords you the opportunity to not have to ask a suspect a question (alibi/motive)

I believe that yes with the skill you can pick a lock successfully every time.

You can find a list of people the person suspects, an alibi, maybe something else (who they suspect? I'm not sure on this one)...Or you may find nothing.

I really can't offer a judgment on what to pick, though, sorry


Jun-1-2006 02:29

I would get adv. sweet talk first. Lock pick is usefull cause it saves you one question (alibi or motive). But I think in higher levels its more important to make sure suspects wont clam on you.

Tip: read the "welcome newbie" thread almost every question you can think of, is already there ;)


Jun-1-2006 05:30

I liked lockpicking a lot - true, advanced sweet talking is necessary too, but lockpicking is a close second - esp. if you are as impatient as I am (and hate the clicking to come back). I would rank lockpicking above hypnotism and WAY above stress detection for helping the newer detective.

R Anstett
R Anstett

Jun-1-2006 06:21

I think it is a toss up between the two.

They are both needed before you can work the harder cases.

Adv ST will get you probably one or two more questions answered by 3 or 4 suspects per case while Lockpicking works every time.

To clarify on what lockpicking does.

There are one or two locked doors in a case that you will automatically get through and find the answer to one question (either motive or alibi {finding nothing means they have no alibi}) so this is like getting two free questions answered for you automatically.

You need both, which you take first is personal preference.

Serena Siren
Serena Siren

Jun-1-2006 13:03

So...When you find nothing on a suspect it means that they have no alibi at all? Hmmm...Now I'm wondering what I should spend my skill points on, as I'm having the same delimma, advanced sweet talking or lock picking, advanced sweet talking or lock picking LOL!!!


Jun-1-2006 13:27

Tosses in her vote for Sweet Talking.

Murphy's Law Gone Amok
Murphy's Law Gone Amok

Jun-1-2006 15:10

sounds cool!

Lady Ruby Caplan
Lady Ruby Caplan

Jun-2-2006 05:02

Sweet Talking definately. And you're right, if it says I found nothing of value it means the person has a fake or no alibi so you can put them on your suspect list wWITHOUT asking them if they have an alibi. :)

*give me an S.. give me a W, E E and T, what do we have?
Go swwwweeeeeett!*
(talking ;) )

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