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What are the politics for?


May-27-2006 07:36



May-27-2006 07:42

I have helped the mayor to find some information. After that it gave me some points to the Order of the socrates. But in the real estate agency, the person does not allow me to talk to her so tht i can help the la cosa nostra. Where is The Dies Arcanum Brotherhood? Where can I find and talk to the factions representative which can get jobs to gain their trust?

R Anstett
R Anstett

May-27-2006 08:01

The factions are there for flavor in the beginning. You can learn special skills from them and buy some nice equipment from them also later on.

This link will give you the basics on where and what the various factions do.

In short:

+1 to talk to them
+10 to open hunts with that faction (only for those in agencies)
+25 to have them teach you a skill
+30 to get the best price on faction gear

Serena Siren
Serena Siren

May-27-2006 12:25

The Dies Arcanum Brotherhood is located in the Church.

One thing to remember is that doing "odd jobs" for one faction, decreases your standing with other factions...So it may be useful to pick one faction to build your way up in, or to try and stay fairly neutral with all of them. Just depends on what you are looking to do.


May-27-2006 16:43

this is really helpful, thank you....

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