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pick pooketing skill
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Assistant Postman

May-26-2006 23:12




May-27-2006 15:22

surveilance isn't from cosa nostra, it's from Circle of Light in Shanghai or Delhi.


May-27-2006 16:05

Without sufficient smart adjustment, surveillance won't do much for you. I have a smart adjustment of +7 and it's helpful only every now and then...

Old Shoe

May-27-2006 16:32

When I use it it's with the top smart gear totalling +23 smart bonus, and it's success rate is maybe 50/50. When it works it's very helpful, though.

R Anstett
R Anstett

May-27-2006 20:32

I use it with a negative smart score and it works about 1/3 of the time I would guess.

I have a hunch it matters more WHO you ask than your smart score when you actualy ask. I think the formula is weighted that way more.


May-27-2006 21:37

my own personal ranking of the faction skills (all of which are LESS useful than the ordinary skills like research, sweetalking - in my charming case - etc)

1. underworld connections. this is v. useful at higher level cases, when suspects go into hiding, and you don't want to use up all your questions on townies trying to track them down.

2. pugilism - IF AND ONLY IF you play a tough character - this compensates for the charming bonus of flirting skill. If you play charming, it is useless.

3. hypnotism. Not a big boost, but you can complete your suspect list with one or two fewer questions.

4. pickpocketing - absolutely NOT necessary, but kind of nice to get the money back. More psychologically satisfying than useful.

5. surveillance - like hypnotism - only this may or may not help unclam a witness. It doesn't work often enough to be a high priority. You are better off with more charm, sweetalking/rulebending OR tough interrogation/intimidation. still, somewhat useful now and then.

6. lockpicking. This is ONLY useful if you are in an agency that does treasure hunts AND there are not half a dozen other agents with the skill. Only works on the last contact for certain hunts. Most established agencies already have this base covered, and getting it will not help you much unless seeing your name in the Daily News means a lot to you. (Last agent to solve a hunt gets the publicity - something that always struck me as a bit unfair to the other agents who solved all the earlier favors)

This simply reflects my opinion. I think faction skills should be a low priority for a beginning agent.


May-28-2006 05:01

I think that in 6 you mean safe cracking and not lock picking.
Lockpicking is not a faction skill. Its a tough skill that helps you enter suspects house when its locked.

Safe cracking is a faction skill that helps you enter the bank valute and finish a hunt. You can only use it if you are in agency and doing a hunt that involves keys.

Agent Canady
Agent Canady

Jun-12-2006 09:32

Do you know which factions have which skills? That bit of information would help me so i am not mindlessly guessing and then get in good terms with a faction i do not need. I would appreciate the help.

Lady Ruby Caplan
Lady Ruby Caplan

Jun-12-2006 09:36

*laughs* It's funny how we always say lock picking when we mean safe cracking. I do it all the time and I know others do as well.

Agent Canady, there is a link on City Hall page to Community Sites, if you go the Reaper's Page you'll find out info on factions/skills/gear.

You can also check out the Welcome Newbie's Post as that will answer a lot of your questions.

Failing all that, a good place to find out info is on the Moderator's Pick. Good luck and I hope you find what you are looking for.

Happy sleuthing! :)

Lady Ruby Caplan
Lady Ruby Caplan

Jun-12-2006 09:46

Hmm, a thought on this .. would it be possible the factions were listed on skill help? Or one the skill page when you click your unused skills?

R Anstett
R Anstett

Jun-12-2006 13:23

I would say no to this.

I know I am normally all for pumping as much information out there as possible, but in this case I think it should be left up to the player to find out the information.

It is fun to discover some of the quirks about the game your self.

Of course if they do not want to search it out themselves, asking here on the boards will elicit a quick response from someone with a link to follow.

Force feeding people with long FAQ's or making the help file an even longer document seems counter productive. Those that want the info seem to find their way here to ask.

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