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Mar-15-2004 05:08

what do you do when you know there are still some people to talk to but your current suspects have clammed up and you cant ask them any more questions so they can tell you about these new people?!



Mar-21-2004 10:02

You might also try visiting some of the businesses some have an option to ask if they have heard anything about the case. This has helped me some when I knew it was one of two people and all my suspects had already clammed up.


Mar-22-2004 03:38

In my opinion, you're best off doing the round around town the first thing in any case. That way, you know who you can waste your questions on freely, and who really has important information. (For example, if person #1 hasn't seen anything, you can ask him/her if he/she knows anyone with a motive, rather than asking the same question from person #2 who actually knows whodunnit, leaving you one more valuable question to ask person #2.)


Mar-22-2004 08:20

kitten, if i dont ask person #2 about motives, wont i miss some new suspects in the list? (i thought that was the way to find suspects)...


Mar-22-2004 19:09

reda, i think the townsfolk can expose new suspects as well...


Mar-23-2004 02:52

Reda, when you've done the cases for a while, you'll notice a maximum number of suspects - you simply never get more than that, even if you ask everyone. When you have discovered that many, there's little point in asking the remaining people about motives. I don't think you ever need (in theory) to ask everyone to discover all the suspects.

Having said that, in practice you'll often be unlucky. To refer to my example: person #1 won't reveal new suspects and you still have to ask person #2 as well, and maybe every other character, before discovering all suspects. But surely even then it's better to ask the smart way aroud - the people who know nothing first. With them, you have nothing to lose.


Mar-23-2004 03:50

And Folktrash, the townsfolk can't expose new suspects. They can make you aware that there are still suspects to be exposed, but when they mention someone's name, it doesn't show up on your suspect list. It only does when you get a suspect to mention it (by asking about motives).


Mar-23-2004 14:09

Talking to townsfolk right off on the harder levels isn't a good idea though, because then they clam up when you ask about alibis and about physical evidence... unless they're contacts and will blab all day.


Mar-24-2004 02:34

Hmm, I'm playing Very Hard at the moment and still (successfully) doing it my way... Maybe it's not the best strategy, but I've only very rarely had them clam up so that it would actually stop me from solving the case (for example, finding out someone's alibi). Then again, I rarely use the physical evidence at all. Probably just different strategies and different skills.

Fat Chuck
Fat Chuck

Mar-24-2004 05:37

I'm finding that there are multiple effective strategies and sometimes its good to switch depending on what you have to start with.

It's a well designed game.

Dr. Edwin Keyes
Dr. Edwin Keyes

Mar-25-2004 22:52

Yeah. I usually catch my bad guys with nothing _but_ physical evidence. I might have to try out Kitten's strategy a few times.

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