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I made a false accusation, but knew who the real suspect was...
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SJ Bristow2
SJ Bristow2

May-14-2006 11:55

This is the original SJ Bristow, but I have a slightly different name now. I had a case yesterday in which I knew who the suspect was (the client/victim's husband) but every time I asked all other suspects about someone with a motive they either clammed up or they thought it was someone else with a similar profile. If a couple of people did think it was the client they wouldn't give a clear reason so the client still had no motive listed, so I couldn't accuse him. I ended up accusing the other suspect who also had curly hair and a fake alib, because I thought perhaps that I had been mistaken and the fact that the client still had no motive after I questioned everyone else available(At least other 6 suspects, but one was murdered during the case), was because he didn't commit the crime.

Unfortunately, this has given me my 2nd false accusation and I currently don't have enough money to get my record cleared, even if I was to sell my gear at the moment. (I had to bribe a couple business people as) I really don't want to have to create another detective either. Has anyone else had a case like this and is there a quick way to make some money?


SJ Bristow2
SJ Bristow2

May-14-2006 12:27

Can you send a Letter of Credit to another Detective if you are not subscribed? I currently don't have paypal, so it's going to be a while until I decide to do.

R Anstett
R Anstett

May-14-2006 12:41

Mandarinka is mistaken in the letter of credit issue.

If you are unsubscribed there is not any way to transfer money to your detective.

If you are subscribed and in an agency then you can transfer money to a teammate.

The best way to make money and stay safe is to do many of the easier cases until you save up enough to pay off Shady. You will have to be careful not to incure that third False Accusation.

One thing to think about also is that the cost is based on the XP you have when you go to pay off Shady, so as you solve more to make more cash you will owe him more also.


May-14-2006 13:47

Just an FYI, the letter of credit at the Real Estate agency is only used for the purchase of new property when starting up an agency with two or more detectives as directors.

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