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jai holmes
jai holmes

May-13-2006 12:45

Ok I just had a big problem. I falsely accused once again, and now I've got 2 false accusations. Shady wants 1700!!!!!! I've only got a bit more than 9 and I'm SCARED. What do I do? I cant retire after going so far.

I've been using the following info as my sleuth bible. I just did my 5th ridiculously hard and got a false accusation after a long long time. Tell me, can the following info be fully trusted even at such high levels :-

Easy = 5-6 suspects, fake / no alibi,
Intermediate = 6-7 suspects, 3 fake/ no alibi
Hard = 8 suspects, 3 fake / no alibi
Really Hard = 8 suspects, 4 fake / no alibi
Really Really Hard = 8-9 suspects, 5 fake / no alibi
Incredibly Hard = 8-9 suspects, 5 fake / no alibi,
Stupendously Hard = 9-10 suspects, 6 with fake / no alibi
Ridiculously Hard = 10-11 suspects, 7 with fake / no alibi
Almost Impossible = 10-11 suspects, 7-8 with fake / no alibi

If not, do tell me cos the last thing I wanna do is sell all my equipment (including a 12000$ silver handed cane) straight away to pay shady his fees.



May-14-2006 11:37

Here's my info on the lower levels:
Intermediate = 6-7 suspects, 3 - 4 fake/ no alibi (USUALLY 3 - I've had exactly 1 exception)
Hard = 8 suspects, 3 - ? fake / no alibi

I've done only one Hard case, and it was a Favor, with 8 suspects (I paid the Fortune Teller to make sure I didn't miss any), one of them clammed up and refused to talk, the other had no alibi, and the third was cleared by Research. So I have no idea how many suspects can there be on that level, but if there can be 4 suspects on Intermediate...

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