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Special Skills

Louis Concordica
Louis Concordica

May-3-2006 17:14

What number of points to you have to have for a faction to teach you a skill?


R Anstett
R Anstett

May-3-2006 17:35

As is noted in the Welcome Newbies Thread (recomended by 9 out of 10 newbies as the first thing to read in sleuth)

+1 to get inside to have them talk to you
+10 to open up hunts
+25 to learn the sepcial skills (with the appropriate Skill Points also)
+30 for the best prices on gear

Bess Hardy
Bess Hardy

May-3-2006 18:30

Yup! R Anstett is absolutely right. Except that special is spelled special, not sepcial.;)

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