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Cool Idea For real and fake alibis
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Skyler Michaels
Skyler Michaels

Aug-14-2004 13:07

Ok I think this might be a pretty cool idea.How about Once an alibi checks our as fake or real it gets put by the persons name so we don't have to write it down or go and look again after we bring all thw suspects out. Or you could make it so once you determine if someone is a suspect or not it goes into two different lists a fake alibi list or real alibi list. or even a third list if you can't determine weather that person is real or fake because they clam up on you. Or how about if you don't like any of thos two ideas the link to the fake persons name changes color if they are found out to be fake.



Aug-26-2004 06:03

I'd like to be able to keep case notes on the case file screen.
Or at least be able to arrange the info on the screen the way I like it. Maybe we could have a notebook window too??
It would help a lot not to have to keep looking up and down from my notes to screen. And if I have to stop in the middle and need to log off, I don't have to try and find my notes again...I have kids that use this computer too!


Aug-26-2004 10:25

Fonzie i know that it reads client in bold white letters i was merley suggesting that after questioning the client is is not in bold anymore. Still saying client just not in bold. (ie CLIENT in bold, client not bold) is that more clear now.


Aug-26-2004 19:03

Is anyone else at all annoyed by the way that new suspects are inserted in different places on the list, so that if you are keeping notes on paper it is hard to end up with the whole list in the same order as the screen unless you wait to write until the entire list is complete? Why does this need to be this way? I don't think it ends up alphabetized or anything, does it?


Aug-26-2004 20:00

As far as I know, Client never dies. So there is no risk clicking her to remember if you interviewed her or not.


Aug-26-2004 20:07

I think the Case File debate has come down to, should it be up to you to take notes, and does it oversimplify the game of all the info is on one screen.

Personally, I don't take notes, because it just takes too long. That doesn't make it harder to play, because the info is all available, it just takes 22 clicks to see it all, and you have to click back and forth to figure out your logic.

The fun for me at ridiculous level is the logic behind narrowing your suspects based on the evidence possibilities, then going to town to pick on someone and narrow the list further. It's the same logic whether you have to click 22 times or not.

But not having to click 22 times would reduce the bandwidth on Ben's server, make it less frustrating for users, and simply save time. The logic and strategy remains the same either way.


Nov-19-2005 11:10

Good question asked!Eventhough I new here,but i started taking down notes automatically as there would be a ton of clues to mermorize if i don't. however i still think that it would be better to stick to the present,eventhough that is troublesome but with a little organisation everything is fine!


Nov-19-2005 15:11

I strated to read this and wanted to comment on the fact that this has been brought up before. Then I saw this thread is from august 2004!
Mr sugarcoat do you want to replace cfm as the official thread digger?


Nov-19-2005 16:54

HEY! I'm not retiring! But I could use an assistant. :D


Nov-20-2005 01:36

cfm = "Can Find Messages!"

; )

R Anstett
R Anstett

Nov-20-2005 06:41

I will disent here also.

I know that such automated note taking would be very helpful. Very helpful.

The last three times I have had to pay Shady had nothing to do with my ability to solve cases, but my abilty to keep my notes clean and in shape.

Yes it would make my life easier, Yes it would make the game easier, No it would not make Sleuth better.

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