This week in sleuthchat
Apr-25-2006 11:34
What's happening in sleuthchat?
Come hang out with sleuthers from around the world:
(Newbies welcome, as we are getting tired of the old faces. hahah.)
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Apr-25-2006 11:35
Phew! It has been a hectic week in sleuthchat.
Our new found volunteers just published their first articles, I am really excited about the hard work they have put in.
Rhiemma Moon just published the pilot episode of “As the World Sleuths”, where members of the community turn in to characters of our very own sleuth soap opera. I can’t wait for episode number two! (See sleuthchat front page.)
Chrysalis has as a hobby writing short stories. I am very happy to announce she has published the first episode of one of them (See sleuthchat front page.)
The busy volunteers made me feel a bit guilty, so I introduced some additions as well:
- Complete change of lay out to the front site
- A blog functionality. People can post their own blog, which is both published to their own blog page, as well as to an integrated blog page with everyone elses blogs.
- Added a new poll where I hope to get to the bottom of the following question “If we could pick a celebrity to be dipped in gravy and thrown to a crazed pack of poodles, who would it be?”
- Random avatars are displayed on any page you visit, to get to know your fellow sleuths better.
I am not sure what next week brings us. Live well and log in folks!
Lady of Shadows
Apr-25-2006 11:43
Sleuthchat is good looking.
Della Devine
Apr-26-2006 01:19
It is great looking! way to go, Nikki!
Rhiemma Moon
Apr-26-2006 01:52
Yes, Nikkie graciously allowed me to publish the pilot episode of 'As the World Sleuths'. The idea at this time is for this to be a continuing saga in soap opera style. Any and all input would be appreciated. Especially ammo, er, I mean plot suggestions. *grin* This is to be a humorous storyline which will run as long as I have ideas or as long as my muse will put up with me. :) Or until you all run me out of town, tarred and feathered on a rail.
Con Artist
Apr-26-2006 09:08
Teehee!! It looks great Rhiemma, I havent gotten a chance to sit down and read it, but the bits and snatches I did read, certainly made me want to read more...:)
(and if i think of any 'plot suggestions' i will let you know :D)
Apr-26-2006 17:25
Thanks all!!!! Yeah Rhiemma definitely provided a good read. heheheheh.
Jun-8-2006 02:34
This week in sleuthchat, an interview with the one and only Serena Siren, winner of the annual Sleuth avatar beauty pageant. Find the answers to questions like why she picked the tiara over a crown, how Croesy reacted when his sash was ripped off his dead body, and the lastest beauty tips.
Once again, congratulations Serena.
Jun-9-2006 02:01
Hahhahaha - loved the interview :D
Aug-4-2006 11:35
I need to do a bunch of stuff online this Sunday. And plan to be logged in a lot. If sleuthchatters new and old alike wanna stop by to come say hi??????
I notice a lot of people logging in but not catching anyone, LED and I used to hang out and wait for people but we both have been busy. So lets try to get together on Sunday!!!!
I'll likely be there late morning and afternoon European time. Morning and early afternoon US.
Lucky Stiff
Aug-4-2006 16:18
*wonders if Nikkie's stuff to do involves the uploading of certain avatars?*
I'll stop by and say hi, I've only really seen people on once or twice