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Mar-29-2006 18:24

I just started playing sleuth this past weekend and i absolutely love it. I have always been a big fan of the Nancy Drew books and computer games. Has anyone else played the games? Anyway, I really like this sleuthing thing but I wish you could play more than 3 case and travel without the subscription. I am not necessarily willing to pay money to play a game that soaks up my brain, even though I love it. If I were to buy it I would feel more pressured to play when I have more important things to do. Did anyone else suffer from this problem before they got thier subscription?
Post back!



Mar-30-2006 13:19

So you're saying that you can store cases for later times? Is there a limit to how many you can store? I really appreciate every one that responded. It has given me more to think about and more reasons to subscribe!

Agatha Misty
Agatha Misty
Old Shoe

Mar-30-2006 13:28

It depends on the agency as to how many cases you can store and you can only store cases in your home office. At our Agency in New York each detective can store 7 cases, some agencies it could be 5 or under depending on what property the agency is renting.


Mar-30-2006 16:54

So you can only save cases if you are in an agency, I get it. Thanks!

Charlie Cain
Charlie Cain

Mar-30-2006 17:41

I have to agree with Mak life without sleuth would be so dull I would actually have to work so that I wouldnt be bored..... Now I can solve a couple cases do a favor and chat with people about sleuth.... I have to admit my life is.......Well I wish I really was Charlie so I could expirence this stuff first hand and not read about it. Subscribing is definatly worth it.

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