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Charlie Cain
Charlie Cain

Mar-25-2006 06:25

I was just thinking that maybe it would be kinda a twist if maybe for a mystery that one of our detectives was trying to clear his name for a case? Just wondering if any one else has any ideas for future cases?



Mar-25-2006 18:54

I totaly agree. there should be more ways to clear false accusations.

Charlie Cain
Charlie Cain

Mar-28-2006 17:46

false accusations are a big fear..... But I dont have a problem with the way things are set up now... But I would like some more ideas on future plot twists.....

Roxy Rosenthal
Roxy Rosenthal

Mar-29-2006 13:46

Isn't there a plot twist that involves "Shady" suggesting that the player not continue his/her investigation?... Well how's this for a suggestion on making that plot twists more meaningful -

If the player does as Shady suggests and quits the case, then Shady will drop his price to reset false accusations by, oh I dunno, say 10%. However, If the player doesn't quit the case then Shady will increase his price by 10%.

This could even be a cumulative thing so that multiple cases dropped at Shady's request could have the discounts add up (10% -> 20% -> 30%). And it could of course be maxed out at a set number (50% or even 80-90%)

The opposite would also be true, for a player who refuses to ever drop a case at Shady's request would find themselves needing a small fortune to clear their falsies.

Charlie Cain
Charlie Cain

Mar-30-2006 17:43

I like that


Mar-31-2006 10:41

OOoo, I really like that idea, Roxy.

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

May-31-2006 09:38

What if suddenly there was no gravity so our computers flew into the air and then we couldn't play Sleuth?

Barry Grant
Barry Grant
Old Shoe

May-31-2006 10:09


Old Shoe

May-31-2006 11:05

*was really confused for a second because he read 'gravity' as 'gravy'*



May-31-2006 16:25

Gravy, gravity. I think we need a sleuth insane asylum.
What city should it be in?

I am not sure if I get the twist idea.

Serena Siren
Serena Siren

May-31-2006 17:59

Roxy, I like your idea too...for the most part. I'm not big into quiting cases and the idea of Shady's price going up 10% is pretty overwhelming. I mean, at first going from 400 to 440 dollars isn't so bad, but if you have to pay Shady 500,000 then 10% would make the new price 550,000...That is a lot of cases to earn that much extra cash Ahhhhhh!!! But some kind of Shady twist similar to the faction ones would be cool. I'd just like to see that 10% increase tweaked a little...LOL!!!

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