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Stopping by to say hi & hope you reply!
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Mar-20-2006 11:12

Hello my sweet friends,
I'm writing this from my job where my spouse is Associate publisher of a magazine. This is my first day here, since I had surgery 22 days ago. I won't go into details about it, but I will say that after surgery, I thought I was going to die. My blood pressure stayed high and they couldn't get it down, plus I was throwing up on the hour, around the clock. Other than feeling weak & extremely tired, the wors is behind me. I just wanted to say I miss everyone and the game. Maybe someday I'll be able to play again. Love you all.

Deb/Daru & texan



Mar-23-2006 08:33



Mar-23-2006 13:07

Hey there MacNewbie, so nice hearing from you my dear friend. It's always great to see old faces/names popping up replying back to me. Makes me miss it all that much more. Anyway, Texan is having a blast running the magazine here in San Antonio. He loves the challenge each day and has met a lot of great people from all over San Antonio. In fact, TBN see this month's issue RE: Easter, and the article about our ministry as singers and song writers, and TBN asked us to be a guest on the local TV Station here, which is nationwide. Wow, at first it scared me because it's been a few years since we've made guest appearances on television, but texan assured me I'll be strong enough to do it. Well, keep your fingers crossed for me....hehe. If we do sing, I'll be back to let everyone know when we will be on so they can watch, or when to watch that is. Ok, so much about that.

Thanks woody for the personal reply, as well as this one here. I appreciated your help too. It was nice chatting with you and hope to again soon. God bless.

Hi there Emmie, thanks for taking the time to reply and say, "Hello." It means so much to me. Maybe I'll catch you in one of the chat rooms sometime, ok? God blessings to you.


Dec-18-2006 12:29

Stopped by my office to solve a few cases, and to check out all the new faces in Sleuthsville, and hey I must say I love all the new changes that's took place since I've been away. I do tell.................all really looks swell. I checked to see if I knew anyone that's logged on but I didn't see any familar faces I guess everyone's out to lunch or gathered at the bar for a few drinks and laughs...hehe. Well, I'll check back later to see if anyone leaves me a note. I'd love to hear from ya. Love ya. Chow for now.


Dec-18-2006 12:45

PS: I realize this thread should have been posted at "The Gumshoe Lounge," but since I mentioned the new changes in the game, hopefully, I'm excused, LOL. Daru looks this way and that, then runs out of the building, hoping nobody saw her leave.....hehe.

Lady of Shadows

Dec-18-2006 15:39

Hi DaRu! It's so great to hear from you. Congratulations on your new job (Texan too). Thanks for stopping by and saying hi to your old friends. I especially like how you bring out all the oldies out of the woodwork!

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