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Kiq Souza
Kiq Souza

Feb-15-2006 15:55

If there are 2 clues (thread and curly hear), but both of them aren't true to any of the suspects, together . There are only people with curly hear and the thread belongs to only one suspect, who doesn't have curly hair. What should I do? In which clue should I believe?


R Anstett
R Anstett

Feb-15-2006 16:01

it depends on the alibi for those that the PE matches.

If the thread matches to one suspect, check that suspects alibi. If it is false or he has none then you have found your killer.

If he has a real alibi then you need to match that curly hair with a liar.

Or you can try to find WE against one of the liars as well.

Sam Average
Sam Average

Feb-16-2006 02:26

Are you sure you have all the suspects? You can check with the fortune teller if you're not sure.
Oh, I think I understand. Only one of the pieces of Physical Evidence points to the murderer. The other is a red herring to make the case harder.

So yes, as R Anstett said, your murderer is the suspect who doesn't have an alibi.

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