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Items - price matters?
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Aug-4-2004 11:38

I have two newbie questions about inventory items. 1) Are the more expensive items with the same modifiers more useful? For example, the $400 pocket watch has the same +1 touch, +1 charm as the $4500 fez. If the fez isn't any more useful, why would anyone every buy it? It's like that for most of the items except the +2's.

2) I've acquired both of my items (chemist kit, switch blade) through favours. What happens if I'm given another "object" - will I have the choice of what to keep and which to sell (and never get back)? Do favours ever give you a hat or coat?



Coupe Stanley
Coupe Stanley

Aug-4-2004 12:46

Thanks Sleuth Admin (by the way that's a nice Fez you have in your picture)...

In terms of the +1 Charms, they mean the same for both, correct? So if I never use toughness, the only difference is the slot and the price.

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