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Quiting a case
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Jan-17-2006 05:54


I was tempted to guess yesterday. But I see Shady ripping me off. (He doesn't want so much money if you have less experience points, but anyway it's much for me!)

So, I stopped guessing!


I still want to know who the murderer was!!! Can somebody extend the game to show the murderer and the relevant evidence? Or is there a problem which a newbie like me not knows?

Thanks for reading that far,


Carl Kershaw
Carl Kershaw
Old Shoe

Jan-17-2006 08:32

If you subscribe and join an agency, you can put a case in the Agency Files and hope someone else in the agency can crack the case.
Just by a 2nd person opening the case, 2 people will unclam and might answer further questions. (This is assuming all people were clammed).
Also other agents in the agency will have different city contacts, and will be able to ask clammed townies questions.
If you are lucky, the agency will have all the evidence contacts, and so you will be able to further narrow down the list.


Jan-17-2006 10:57

I hate it to quit!
After how many days played are you allowed (or accepted) to join an agency???

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Jan-17-2006 11:53

as soon as u subscribe, u can join an agency :) unless i misunderstood your question, which is possible *sigh* ;)

R Anstett
R Anstett

Jan-17-2006 11:54

You can join an agency right away.

You need to be subscribed (which you are) then head over to the recruiting forum and look around. There are several agencies currently looking for people.

R Anstett
R Anstett

Jan-17-2006 11:57

Well two of us posted almost at once. Thanks Mak!

I will say that I am one of the more fanatical "do not ever quit a case" people out there. I only have 12 drops and well over 1200 solved. The average in Sleuth seems to be about 13-15% of your cases.

That being said it is better to quit than guess. Join up with an agency and they will help you out with that.


Jan-18-2006 01:20

I used to be fanatical about quitting cases too ... then I decided I wanted the stage manager as contact to stop her from always clamming on me. I'm now considering putting out a contract on her.


Jan-18-2006 07:05

Greyling, you are STILL looking for that Stage Manager?!

*wraps up a box of Godiva chocolate and sends it to Shanghai, express*

R Anstett
R Anstett

Jan-18-2006 07:20

Your quest for that Stage Manager has turned into an epic. Maybe if you send the chocolate to the Stage Manager CFM it might help her soften up some.

I remember a this book by Homer about a journey....

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