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What good are the hints ?
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Mr. Nobody
Mr. Nobody

Jan-11-2006 01:39

I found that the hints the townies provide are not only useless, but even confusing. I thought that they were somehow helpful. They always provide erroneous advice and you are better off going by chance.


Mr. Nobody
Mr. Nobody

Jan-11-2006 09:02

No, reda, you are not right. I thought as much as what you told me in the first paragraph, but it is not true. I had many cases in which townies told me that X thought s/he knew who did it, but I asked the respective individual and s/he did not gave me any suspicions (I asked about all the suspects s/he suggested). So it does not work this way. I wish it did.

R Anstett
R Anstett

Jan-11-2006 10:30

So Reda is right then.

The Townie did not lie to you by saying that "X" knows who the murderer is. It is "X" that lied to the townie, or you did not ask about the proper person on the list.

If someone says that "Y" knows nothing, then you can take that to mean that "Y" will not have seen anything suspicious.

If you only talk to "X" about suspecting someone then often you will not find enough Witness Evidence to accuse. Talking to "X" and asking about the correct suspect that "X" suspects will yield results. It is import to note that it may not be the murderer. "X" may have seen the person leaving the scene washing blood off, but that person also can have a valid alibi.

Remember it takes a false/no alibi and one WE to accuse. Or 2 WE to accuse.

mave nave
mave nave
Old Shoe

Jan-11-2006 13:18

I agree with Mr Nobody.

The townie says Dora knows who did it. You ask Dora and she gives a reply that X did it BUT this response counts ONLY if you also have the PE and no/false alibi. ie Dora can be wrong...

R Anstett
R Anstett

Jan-11-2006 14:06

Correct, that is what Reda and I are saying that Dora can be wrong. Not the Townie, Dora. The Townie gave you good information.

I do believe that there are 3 possible WE for every case. 2 will point to the murderer and 1 will point to someone with a valid alibi.

The original contention that the hints are useless is wrong, although they can be considered confusing and or misleading.


Jan-11-2006 14:54

They also become more useful in higher level cases, or as your other options for solving disappear with clams. You have to learn how to use the information you get to your advantage, and the suspects are not to be trusted with their answers, regardless of what the townspeople say, but I have never found that the townspeople have lied to me.

Mr. Nobody
Mr. Nobody

Jan-11-2006 23:55

Ok, I have not made it clear.
First, I asked a townie and s/he told me that X thinks s/he knows who the murderer is.
Second, I asked X about EACH AND EVERY one of her/his suspects and s/he did not tell me anything about anyone.
That is why I think it is not working.


Jan-12-2006 00:11

Just because they give you a name to add to the list, does not mean that one of those is people is who they know about.


The Fortune Teller says that John Smith thinks they know something.

The Something that John Smith knows, is not limited to the suspect John Smith gives you when you ask about motive.

As is pointed out above, John Smith may not have accurate information. He may say he saw Jane Smith with blood on her hands, but if she has a good alibi, she didn't do it.

Am I understanding your delima? The reason the Eye Witness accounts are important, is that, if you have a fake/"none of your business" alibi and one Eye Witness, or two Eye Witness accounts against the same person, you can safely accuse.

Mr. Nobody
Mr. Nobody

Jan-12-2006 01:07

Yes, cfm, u understood. So u can accuse even without physical evidence, if u have two Witnesses or one Witness and a fake alibi ?

Anyway, what good does it do asking a townie ? I mean, u will never be able to ask a suspect about every other suspect, in the harder difficulty cases u get one or at most two questions before the suspect clams up for good.


Jan-12-2006 01:46

Yes, you can accuse based on witness evidence if you go by the rules cfm stated :)

Regarding the townies, they're definitely best at verifying alibis and also quite good to have as back up if your suspect list gets cut off short by a non-talking suspect. But as for the information they give about someone possibly knowing something...

I'd say use it as a last resort if you can see the case you're working on is going to need you to be extra careful with the questions you have left. I agree that when a townie says that Ms. X or Mr. Y hasn't seen or heard anything then yes he or she won't know anything, but for those named that may think they know something...I don't know. I'll admit that a lot of the time they will name someone either with a real or a fake alibi, but I've also seen cases where it didn't fit at all.

Kenneth L
Kenneth L

Jan-12-2006 04:18


Townies DO NOT lie : they say that some one THINKS he knows who the murderer is.

The wholepoint is THINKS.

You ask the guy. He says he saw X washing Blood from his hands. X could have had a paper cut.

He says he saw X leaving the crime scene. X is a relative / contact. Obviously X might have had to visit the victim.

Therefore, unless the suspect has a fake / nonnayourbeeswax alibi, do not accuse.

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