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Jan-5-2006 10:20

In a really really hard case that I'm doing, bribing the Banker/tailor to tell my who the tread/note is from isn't coming up as an option. Is this a bug or something....?


Trisha Applegate
Trisha Applegate

Jan-7-2006 09:04

I always bribe the shoe maker and the banker. It works everytime *smiles vindictively*


Jan-7-2006 13:51

Lol. I bribed the Priest once, but then realised what a waste of time it is on easier levels. Plus I'm a bit of a newbie so I don't have that much money anyways!


Jan-7-2006 23:25

Bribing is only worth it when you don't have good interviewing skills yet (Rule Bending for charming, Intimidation for tough) or when your skills are good but you've used them already. You can bribe after you bend rules or intimidate, but once you bribe, you can't bribe again, and you can't intimidate or bend rules. So save the bribing for last, and make it a question that counts. You won't be getting anything more out of that townsperson.


Jan-8-2006 05:34

Thanks Lady Emerald Devon I got your PM days ago but only saw this thread now! It turned out I'd given all my hard-earned cash to shady... grrrrr.. There should be a sleuth bank where you can store your money without having to worry about accidently spending it lol

Lady Ruby Caplan
Lady Ruby Caplan

Jan-8-2006 07:07

I was it would be cool where a randomm agent everyday would be Shady. So that all money that was paid to Shady that day goes to that Agent.


Jan-8-2006 09:57

That would be SO cool!!

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