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Does everyday has favor to offer for unsubscribe?
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May-29-2006 01:55

End of all my 3 cases, looking for my favors, but no one is offering me. =(



May-29-2006 18:42

You guys have played this game so much longer than me. You all have played atleast a month cant even solve the intermediate cases? It sound so scary. Is it really really tht difficult to sove thoose favors? I have tried solving the hard cases. 3 of them and felt tht it was a lucky shot.

The last favor I tried is really has no idea what to do. There are 2 suspects. No evidence, no witness and there are only 2 of them without the Alibi. I have asked all of people in the map, and all clammed up even the suspects I have. In such incident what should I do? Haiz! That time I made a unlucky selection. Cost me $500 to remove tht false accusation.

Do you noe what kind of skills are need to sole all the intermediate cases? As I say, I tried the hard cases, and all the cases I only manage to find one witness or one evident pointed to the murderer. It was really lucky.


May-30-2006 02:28

If I were just starting out, I'd get EITHER Sweet Talking and Rule Bending OR Interrogation and Intimidation depending on whether I wanted to become Charming or Tough, mixing these two sides is not a useful approach. I'd also get Research and basic Hair and Thread Analysis (as that will ensure me to find all the evidence at the crime scene) - with those skills I think solving an Intermediate case won't be too big a problem :)

Serena Siren
Serena Siren

May-30-2006 02:38

Hey Xela, I was just refering to the first favor I did ever when I said I couldn't solve the intermediate favor case. I believe I've solved every favor case correctly sense that time...not every case, but all the favors :) I'm now up to really hard favors so don't worry it isn't so scary LOL!!!

For solving an well as any upper level is good IMHO to start collecting all the basic level PE analysis skills (hair and thread), so that you can at least find all the available evidence. Then get some the higher level skills that improve your questioning tactics.

This is JMO and I know some people feel differently, but for favor cases especially where you start off with only one suspect...I always ask about others motives before alibies because I'm concerned with getting the full list of suspects. Some, though, are adment that asking for alibies first is the best strategy.

Best advice I can give you is to not guess on cases...Shady's price goes up and he gets WAY to pricey LOL!!!


May-30-2006 04:37

I dont think many ppl will tell you to ask alibi first. It is generaly considerd as rule here MOTIVE FIRST! Or you end up with incomplete list of suspects.

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