waiting for new day.
Vin Riddick
Jul-18-2004 23:33
I am trying to start a little experiment. While waiting for the new cases start up for the new day. Lets start a Big story line. If you don't want to that's fine. The best is Diane. She can do great story lines. Anyone want to start. (Obviously I am really bored)
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Vin Riddick
Jul-24-2004 22:49
SoulCR decided to run after them. Caght up in all the excitment she forgot about her suspect.
Vin Stops Running and notices the girl.
" Hey you, what are you doing?"
Soul looks at her and shyly says " I am following you guys. It looks like fun and I am a reall good Detective, I can help." She looks with hopeful eyes.
" Sure Kid come on. I can always use a good pair of eyes. Mine sometimes change so you keep vigilent and look for Dr. EVIL Kay."
" OKAY!!!! You got it." And they both ran off after the group
Jul-26-2004 14:14
(while a bumb was out cold from to much drinking, kay stills his clothes to disguise herself)
Pewww!! You need a bath she mumbles.
Kay starts down the alley when she gets near the crowd she starts stagering as if she was drunk.
kay stops and sits on the sidewalk sumped over in front of the Chicago Detective Agency waiting for DaRu to come back so she can explain here actions.
Jul-26-2004 14:59
The crowd, running down the street in search of Kay, stops dead in thier tracks when they come across a bum in the middle of the sidewalk.
Elsey's eyes begin to tear from the putrid smell coming from the rags covering the drunk's body. She pulls out her lace hankie and covers her mouth and nose.
The group then tiptoes around the passed out drunk, and continues the frantic search for Dr. Kay.
DaRu, at the back of the crowd, is still searching around for Dr. Kay, when she feels someone grab her ankle and hold on tight. Looking down, DaRu sees the drunk latched onto her leg.
"DaRu, you don't understand!" whispers the bum.
Looking more closely, DaRu jerks back with a start when she realizes that the bum is actually Dr. Kay.
Jul-27-2004 11:36
Jenny, with her nose in a book is walking down the street oblivious to all the commotion around her.
She runs smack into Daru with a bum attached to her leg.
"hey,when did kay become a raging alcoholic? I guess my detective skills are not as good as I thought"
Jenny helps Daru pick Kay up so they can bring her back to the agency.
"kay, you need a bath. Let's go get you cleaned up."
Jul-27-2004 12:36
Thanks Jenny, Elsey i had to do what i did...i over heard vin and her crew talking it was a plot to......(kay passes out from her own smell)
Vin Riddick
Jul-27-2004 15:19
Vin runs By with SoulCR on her tell just as Kay waas trying to explain her actions. She sneaks into her pocker and with a Blow dart hit's Kay in the Neck with a Poisonious Dart.
"Wow you got her let me Help"
Vin Grabs Kay with an enormous Strength and picks her up. Jenny and DaRu realize that her male personality has taken over. They walk cautiously behind her. This one they both knew was the violent one.
Vin Lays Kay on the couch and plucks the Dart outof Kays neck before anyone can see. The girls told Vin they would be right back and walked in to the Trophy room where they could look out the one Way Mirror.
Vin then faints and to the horror of Jenny and DaRu she then Wakes with a start and starts laughing.
" YES!!!!!! MY plan is in Motion." And then she faint's again.
Jenny and Daru look at eachother and both ran out of the AGENCY.
Jul-27-2004 15:29
Jenny goes running down the hall with Daru close behind. Where is Elsey when you need her? Vin is changing personalities like clothes and evil Dr Kay is passed out.
"i'm going to the bar, I need a drink. Maybe I will find Elsey and she can help us"
Jul-29-2004 11:03
DaRu, runs to her office and locks the door behind her, while shaking like a leaf. DaRu thinks:.... "This door won't keep Vin out if she truly wants in, maybe if I move my desk in front of the door, she won't have the strength to open it, however, if the mean personality takes over, then I'm in trouble, Oh dear me, I wish Greyling was still here, then maybe she could talk some sense into Vin's head,& help her rid of all these other characters.
Jul-29-2004 11:17
As Mama DaRu listens, with her ear to the wall, she thinks to herself: "ever since I adopted Vin, I've never seen her act this bad,sure I knew about all these personailties,but none of them were violent in nature. My poor sweet Vin, ever since that base ball hit her in the head at school during that game, it's damaged her brain, it's brought all these personalites out in her".
Jul-29-2004 12:56
then DaRu thinks.."I know what I can do,in case she's strong enough to get through the door, I better open the office window and make it look like I jumped out". DaRu feels her way to the door, then runs to open the window, grabs her coat and purse, then makes a mad dash for the supply closet. Once inside she hides back behind the cabinet. About that time she hears a loud bang, and then the sounds of something moving across the floor. "Oh no, she's in here, I better be quiet as a mouse". Then DaRu hears Vin say: "Mama DaRu, are you in here?"