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waiting for new day.
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Vin Riddick
Vin Riddick

Jul-18-2004 23:33

I am trying to start a little experiment. While waiting for the new cases start up for the new day. Lets start a Big story line. If you don't want to that's fine. The best is Diane. She can do great story lines. Anyone want to start. (Obviously I am really bored)



Jul-24-2004 16:55

Correction: Meanwhile back at the Theater, "Chicago Agency," DaRu, is working frantically on cases.


Jul-24-2004 17:40

OK, please pretend I deleted the entire message above. Talk about messing up big times, I did. LOL, I even spelled Girl Scout's wrong. I really must be tired. OK, I'll be back, a little later to jump back in.


Jul-24-2004 18:38

P.S. Oh what a mess. I didn't spell Girl Scouts rights, or nabbed, my name DaRu is Drews, and one and on. Besides, there's something wrong with my computer. If I take too long to type a message, it will kick me off Sleuth, and I lose what I've typed, and I have to start all over. Does anyone know what is causing this to happen. It's like a timer is on. Oh well. I'll work on my message, and I promise to jump back in, on the story. Please ignore my message and carry on as if I never mentioned anything.


Jul-24-2004 21:03

Meanwhile, SoulCR who is skulking around the Girl Scouts trying to find their troupe leader, who is a suspect in a case, notices the other sleuths. She hums and haws and moves closer hoping someone will notice her and speak. It's always hard being the new kid on the block.

Vin Riddick
Vin Riddick

Jul-24-2004 21:06

Vin let's go of Elsy.

" I know exactly waht she was going to say. But just in case I am wrong we better find her."

Elsey looks around in Dismay. She sees DaRu coming towards them.

" Mom I need a hug." Being the resident mother at Chicago Agency she happily obliges.

" Darling girl, your going to be ok. What is the matter?"

" It's Dr. Evil Kay, Something has come over her. She was about to Elsey something ad then she snuck off."

Vin said vieing for DaRu's attention.

Elsey notice's Vin's attempts and figures the child in Vin has come out.

" VIn's right. I just don't know what to do."

" Well," Said DaRu. " I saw her run around the corner. COme all let's go get her."

And they all ran off.

Vin Riddick
Vin Riddick

Jul-24-2004 22:49

SoulCR decided to run after them. Caght up in all the excitment she forgot about her suspect.

Vin Stops Running and notices the girl.

" Hey you, what are you doing?"

Soul looks at her and shyly says " I am following you guys. It looks like fun and I am a reall good Detective, I can help." She looks with hopeful eyes.

" Sure Kid come on. I can always use a good pair of eyes. Mine sometimes change so you keep vigilent and look for Dr. EVIL Kay."

" OKAY!!!! You got it." And they both ran off after the group


Jul-26-2004 14:14

(while a bumb was out cold from to much drinking, kay stills his clothes to disguise herself)

Pewww!! You need a bath she mumbles.

Kay starts down the alley when she gets near the crowd she starts stagering as if she was drunk.

kay stops and sits on the sidewalk sumped over in front of the Chicago Detective Agency waiting for DaRu to come back so she can explain here actions.


Jul-26-2004 14:59

The crowd, running down the street in search of Kay, stops dead in thier tracks when they come across a bum in the middle of the sidewalk.

Elsey's eyes begin to tear from the putrid smell coming from the rags covering the drunk's body. She pulls out her lace hankie and covers her mouth and nose.

The group then tiptoes around the passed out drunk, and continues the frantic search for Dr. Kay.

DaRu, at the back of the crowd, is still searching around for Dr. Kay, when she feels someone grab her ankle and hold on tight. Looking down, DaRu sees the drunk latched onto her leg.

"DaRu, you don't understand!" whispers the bum.

Looking more closely, DaRu jerks back with a start when she realizes that the bum is actually Dr. Kay.


Jul-27-2004 11:36

Jenny, with her nose in a book is walking down the street oblivious to all the commotion around her.
She runs smack into Daru with a bum attached to her leg.
"hey,when did kay become a raging alcoholic? I guess my detective skills are not as good as I thought"
Jenny helps Daru pick Kay up so they can bring her back to the agency.
"kay, you need a bath. Let's go get you cleaned up."


Jul-27-2004 12:36

Thanks Jenny, Elsey i had to do what i did...i over heard vin and her crew talking it was a plot to......(kay passes out from her own smell)

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