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It's time for 4 questions :)
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jai holmes
jai holmes

May-17-2006 02:45

I've already read the "welcome newbies" thread along with others on the topic, townie's hints. And I gotta say no one has given a conclusive answer. So let me rephrase the questions asked by many with a hope someone will give a proper answer.

1. When it says "so and so thinks he knows who the murderer is", it dosen't mean that the person actually knows who the murderer is. Then, whats the point of this??? Is this statement just meant to be a starting point for WEs for some detectives? It has to have some more importance than just a twist, after all your wasting a townie question.

2. When it says, "so and so dosen't know who the murderer is", does this mean that there is no chance of 'So and So' to know who the actual murderer is? I hope it does, because otherwise there aint any importance of a 'WE townie' except alibis and hidden people.

3. I've done alot of favors (hard level) till now. I'me doing ridiculously hard cases right now and was wondering how long will it take before I can do really hard, really really hard, and finally incredibly hard?

4. Lastly, i've been getting only hand equipments (about 2 types)and one head equipment while doing hard favors. Can you get shoes and coats while doing favors or should I buy them myself?



May-18-2006 02:45

I'm with Serena on this on in that the central word in that line is "thinks", and that it just means there's a chance that that person might know something useful - although you can't count on it :)

jai holmes
jai holmes

May-18-2006 11:38

I think it will be useful if the Sleuth God could explain it more clearly. Like on the lines of what R Anslett said that there can be 1-4 knows murderers out of which one should definately know, just like there is always 1 PE which points at the murderer.

YAAAY I finally got my image :D

R Anstett
R Anstett

May-18-2006 11:46

I do not think Sleuth Admin will ever answer to the definative on that question. That would defeat part of the fun of learning the game. We as players can speculate and by dint of experimenting discover quite a few of the game mechanics, but I doubt it would be a good thing for the "Man behind the curtain" to reveal too much to the outside world.

jai holmes
jai holmes

May-18-2006 12:12

I agree. :)


May-18-2006 14:11

A little addition to 2:
If "so and so has not heard anything suspiscious", then they will never say "Yes, I suspect that person because...", however "so and so" can actually be trying to hide his own guilt by pretending to know nothing (i.e. "so and so" is the killer). I've had cases where the guilty one supposedly knew nothing about the case.

Detective Boob
Detective Boob

May-31-2006 09:14

I agree with greyling and Serena. When they say so and so thinks, think is refered to they "think" they know.

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