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waiting for new day.
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Vin Riddick
Vin Riddick

Jul-18-2004 23:33

I am trying to start a little experiment. While waiting for the new cases start up for the new day. Lets start a Big story line. If you don't want to that's fine. The best is Diane. She can do great story lines. Anyone want to start. (Obviously I am really bored)


Vin Riddick
Vin Riddick

Jul-18-2004 23:54

"Well Hello there Darling girl."

Vin was in one of her moods. Idiol hands were itching to Sleuth.

"You have an interesting look today. Mines no better. I really need to find something less offending."

Vin stops, blinks and looks at Elsey.

" Oh hey Elsey what's up?"


Jul-18-2004 23:57

Elsey stopped staring at Vin and her multiple personalitied that had just been seen.

"Hey, Vin," she replied. "I was just seeing what you were up to today. I noticed in the file room that you couldn't do much without the help of others. I helped where I could. Are you waiting for another client to come along?"

Elsey hoped that she was correct in her assumptions. She didn't want to offend any of Vin's personalities. Most of them were perfectly harmless and rather entertaining!

Vin Riddick
Vin Riddick

Jul-19-2004 00:01

" Yes. Slow day today. I had some Luck with other cases, but we all need help now and then. No harm. Thanx for all of yours."

Vin then Slumped. Elsey looked wide eyed as vin suddenly changed before her eyes.

" I see in the future young one. You will do well in any tests that approach. Be aware of a little man."

Then Vin got up and started her day.


Jul-19-2004 00:06

Elsey sat, astonished, as Vin walked away to meet her newest client. She scratched her head and thought, *That is one strange person, that Vin. But I still must remember to love my fellow agents!* Elsey then headed off into the day, a favor for the Brotherhood was next on her list of 'Things to do...'

Bella Luna
Bella Luna

Jul-19-2004 00:12

Elsey and Vin hear a loud noise. They look out the window and see that Bella Luna has crashed her red convertible on to Vin's front garden. His garden gnome's broken, limbs and mangled bits and pieces strewn all over the lawn. Bella falls out of her car, picks her self up and yells out to Vin."Sorry bout that"

Vin Riddick
Vin Riddick

Jul-19-2004 00:31

Vin looks at Bella Luna with a dazed eyes.

" What the.........., hey Lady are you drunk or on drugs.?"

The Vin Smiles and eyes cleared.

" Oh hey Swan Lady, are you ok? Do you need any help. Uh oh, you Ran over Dianes Gnome. Oh well. Bye."

Bella Luna
Bella Luna

Jul-19-2004 00:47

Bella picks up half the remains of a gnome and walk's to Vin's front door. "I'm ok but your.....have you got any glue?" "Yes it's in the closet" Vin turns toward a closet door on his left but it opens before he gets there. Some one has been hiding inside. Out pops?

Vin Riddick
Vin Riddick

Jul-19-2004 00:48

Then Vin runs back and stills the gnome.

" I'll take it to the tailor and see if he can do something with it. Good thing it's made out of some old wood, cotten and cloth."

Vin Walks away holding the doll like a baby. Bella and Elsey watch her go with their mouths dropped open.

Vin Riddick
Vin Riddick

Jul-19-2004 00:50

stills=steals sorry for all the mess ups. Going to bed now. :)

Vin Riddick
Vin Riddick

Jul-19-2004 10:36

OK lets Back up REWIND

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