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skewed games after crash
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mave nave
mave nave
Old Shoe

Nov-14-2005 13:00

Has anyone else had incredibly bad luck since the server has been back up (ie since Sunday)?

My favours are at the incredibly hard level.

Yesterday and today I tried the normally easy for me 'really hard' cases, then realy realy hard andd finally hard cases and in all 6 I could not get anyone: townie or suspect, to answer more than one question before clamming WHEN I was lucky more than half clammed immediately...

No changes in gear or skills...

This does not encourage me to want to subscribe :(


mave nave
mave nave
Old Shoe

Nov-15-2005 00:29

But R anstett you "almost" got stuck; which is different from 50% instant clamming isn't it?

I guess today I'll try intermediate to see if they all clam.

Yes I agree it's designed to be a challenge; but not hopeless =)

R Anstett
R Anstett

Nov-15-2005 07:14

If I remember correctly, I had four suspects after questioning for motive. I know I should have 8-9 so the two that clammed put a large challenge.

I went to ask the townies about people, took my third person questioned to turn up another suspect.

Your skill set does matter and it will take more than a few cases to build up your detective to where you feel up to any challenge.

I tend to work a case to death, I hate quitting cases so I will exhaust every single last question I can wring out of them.


Nov-19-2005 16:21

I think that I also have a problem since the last backup, usually you get favor after 3 cases...sometimes 4, but i have to do 4 cases almost every time to get favor... Something stinks here :/

BTW: mave nave, when you reach 30000 Exp. points your favor gonna be incredibly hard, that's not a server error..


Nov-19-2005 16:52

You have to do 4 cases to get to a favor, Porno, if you don't finish it or you get a false accuasation.

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