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Clamming up
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May-21-2004 20:13

I have solved a lot of favors and won them all, however on this one, I couldn't believe it, the first question I asked my only suspect was who had motive to kill, and she gave me Martin Caban, then when I asked him my first question of who had motive, HE CLAMMED UP, therefore, I couldn't get the names of furture suspects. Even when I asked business merchants if they knew anything, I was given other names,but without suspects mentioning them, too late and impossible to solve.I love getting FAVORS,for that's where the big money and points is, however,I have to admit this really was disappointing.Has anyone else run into the same situation? Well, I made up for it today. Good luck Slueths!


Jennifer Massoli
Jennifer Massoli

May-25-2004 03:45

I use charm only and I almost always get my victims to unclam at least once. Usually they'll answer 1 or 2 and sometimes 3 questions before permanently clamming up.


May-25-2004 08:33

Yes, when you have enough skills, situations like the one DaRu describes above should be rare. And when they do happen, it should not be regarded as a bug or a flaw in the game, but simply an unfortunate coincidence - sigh and move on.


May-25-2004 13:38



May-25-2004 16:34

Not necessarily your latest, negasong, because if your only suspect really died first thing on your very first visit to them, that IS, in fact, a bug. Ben has stated that before, unless I am mistaken. ...if that's any consolation :)

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